177-B - Special narcotics parts; establishment.

§  177-b.  Special  narcotics  parts; establishment. 1. There shall be  established in cities having a population of one million or more in  the  supreme  court  special  narcotics  parts  in  such  numbers and at such  locations as shall be designated by  the  administrative  board  of  the  judicial  conference of the state of New York to effectuate the purposes  of  this  article.  Such  parts  shall  hear  and  determine   narcotics  indictments  assigned  thereto from any part of the supreme court in any  county within such cities.    As used in this article, "narcotics indictment"  means  an  indictment  charging  a crime that is prosecutable in any county wholly contained in  a city within  cities  having  a  population  of  one  million  or  more  involving  the  sale  or  possession  of  a  narcotic drug and any other  offense properly joined therewith.    2.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  law,  upon  or   after  arraignment  on a narcotics indictment filed in the supreme court in any  county within such cities and before  entry  of  a  plea  of  guilty  or  commencement  of trial, such supreme court may order that the indictment  and action be assigned to a special narcotics part of the supreme court.    3. The trial of an indictment in a special narcotics  part  shall  for  all  purposes  be  deemed  to  be  a  trial  in  the county in which the  indictment was filed, but  the  administrative  board  of  the  judicial  conference  may promulgate rules, orders or regulations to be applicable  to such parts in place and instead of the rules, orders  or  regulations  applicable  to  courts in the county where the indictment was filed. The  administrative board shall provide by rule, order or regulation  for  at  least  the  following  matters: the procedure of the part; its auxiliary  services; the assignment  of  judicial  personnel;  the  appointment  of  terms;  and  transmittal  of  all  papers  in  the action, including all  undertakings for appearances of the defendant and of the  witnesses,  to  the part of the supreme court to which the action has been assigned.