815 - Suggested standards for apprenticeship agreements.

§  815.  Suggested standards for apprenticeship agreements.  Suggested  standards for apprenticeship agreements are as follows:    1. A statement of the trade or craft to be  taught  and  the  required  hours for completion of apprenticeship which shall be not less than four  thousand hours of reasonably continuous employment.    2.  A  statement  of  the processes in the trade or craft divisions in  which the apprentice is to be taught and the approximate amount of  time  to be spent at each process.    3. A statement of the number of hours to be spent by the apprentice in  work  and  the  number  of hours to be spent in related and supplemental  instruction which  instruction  shall  be  not  less  than  one  hundred  forty-four  hours  per  year  when  available,  such  availability to be  determined by the commissioner of education.    4. A statement that apprentices shall be not less than  sixteen  years  of age.    5.  Provision  that  apprentices  shall  be  selected  on the basis of  qualifications alone, as determined by objective criteria  which  permit  review,  and without any direct or indirect limitation, specification or  discrimination as to race, creed, color, age, sex or national origin.    6. A statement of the progressively increasing scale of  wages  to  be  paid the apprentice.    7.  Provision  for  a  period of probation during which the industrial  commissioner shall be directed to terminate an apprenticeship  agreement  at  the  request in writing of any party thereto. After the probationary  period the industrial commissioner shall be empowered to  terminate  the  registration of an apprentice upon agreement of the parties.    8.  Provision  that the services of the industrial commissioner may be  utilized  for  consultation  regarding  the  settlement  of  differences  arising  out  of  the  apprenticeship  agreement  where such differences  cannot be adjusted locally or in accordance with the  established  trade  procedure.    9.  Provision  that if an employer is unable to fulfill his obligation  under the apprenticeship agreement he may transfer  such  obligation  to  another employer.    10.  Such additional standards as may be prescribed in accordance with  the provisions of this article.