54 - Report on the budget.

§ 54. Report  on the budget. 1. Upon passage of appropriation bills by  both the senate and the assembly, the  senate  and  the  assembly  shall  issue  either  jointly  or separately a summary of changes to the budget  submitted by the governor  in  accordance  with  article  seven  of  the  constitution. The summary shall be in such a form as to indicate whether  the  budget  as amended provides that, for the general fund, any changes  in anticipated disbursements are  balanced  by  changes  in  anticipated  receipts. The summary shall be accompanied by descriptions of changes to  both  receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail as is necessary to  describe legislative action on the  governor's  budget  submission.  The  summary  shall  be  in  such  format as determined by the senate and the  assembly, either jointly or separately, and may be issued separately, as  part of the report required by section twenty-two-b of the state finance  law or may be included  within  the  introductory  memoranda  or  fiscal  committee memoranda relating to such legislation or in such other manner  as  may  be determined by the senate and the assembly, either separately  or jointly.    2. (a) The legislature shall enact a budget for  the  upcoming  fiscal  year that it determines is balanced in the general fund.    (b) Before voting upon an appropriation bill submitted by the governor  and related legislation, as amended, in accordance with article seven of  the  constitution,  each house shall place on the desks of its members a  report relating to each such bill and, preceding  final  action  on  all  such  appropriation  bills and legislation, members shall be so provided  with a comprehensive, cumulative report relating to all such  bills  and  legislation.    (c)  The  reports prepared by each house shall include for the general  fund a summary of proposed legislative revisions to the executive budget  for the ensuing fiscal year, and shall separately identify  and  present  all legislative additions, reestimates and other revisions that increase  or  decrease  disbursements,  and  separately  identify  and present all  legislative reestimates and other revisions that  increase  or  decrease  available  resources.  Such report shall, where practicable, display and  separately identify and present all legislative additions,  reestimates,  and  other revisions that increase or decrease state funds and all funds  spending, including an estimate of the impact of the proposed  revisions  on local governments and the state workforce.