321 - Certificates of service.

§ 321. Certificates of service.  1. In any proceeding under this act a  certificate  executed by an officer of the applicable force of the armed  forces of the United States or by an officer of the applicable force  of  the  organized  militia shall, when produced, be prima facie evidence of  the facts therein certified and of the authority of the signer to  issue  the same.    2.  When  a  person  in  military service has been reported missing he  shall be presumed to continue in such service until accounted  for,  and  no  period  herein  limited  which begins or ends with the death of such  person shall begin or end until the death of  such  person  is  in  fact  reported to or proved by the applicable force of the armed forces of the  United States or of the organized militia, or until such death is proved  by  a  court  of competent jurisdiction; provided, that no period herein  limited which begins or ends with the death  of  such  person  shall  be  extended  beyond  a  period  of  six months after the time when this act  ceases to be in force.