616 - Voting by class of members.

§ 616. Voting by class of members.    (a)  The  certificate  of  incorporation  or  the  by-laws may contain  provisions specifying that any class or classes of members shall vote as  a class in connection with the transaction of any  business  or  of  any  specified item of business at a meeting of members, including amendments  to the certificate of incorporation.    (b)  Where  voting  as  a  class  is  provided  in  the certificate of  incorporation or the by-laws, it shall be by the proportionate  vote  so  provided  or,  if  no proportionate vote is provided, in the election of  directors, by a plurality of the votes  cast  at  such  meeting  by  the  members of such class entitled to vote in the election, or for any other  corporate action, by a majority of the votes cast at such meeting by the  members of such class entitled to vote thereon.    (c)  Such  voting  by  class  shall  be in addition to any other vote,  including vote by class, required by this chapter or by the  certificate  of incorporation or the by-laws as permitted by this chapter.