7 - Reports of the authorities budget office.

§  7.  Reports  of  the  authorities budget office. On July first, two  thousand ten and annually thereafter the authorities budget office shall  issue reports on its findings and analyses to the  governor,  the  chair  and  ranking  minority member of the senate finance committee, the chair  and ranking minority member of the assembly ways  and  means  committee,  the  chair  and ranking minority member of the senate standing committee  on corporations, authorities and  commissions,  the  chair  and  ranking  minority  member  of  the  assembly  standing committee on corporations,  authorities and commissions, the  state  comptroller  and  the  attorney  general,  with  conclusions  and  opinions concerning the performance of  public authorities and to study, review and report  on  the  operations,  practices  and  finances  of  state  and local authorities as defined by  section two of this article.