3856 - City fiscal year two thousand three--two thousand four budget modification and four-year financial plan.

§  3856. City fiscal year two thousand three--two thousand four budget  modification and four-year financial plan. 1. Not later  than  September  first,  two  thousand  three,  the  city shall submit to the authority a  financial plan which may reflect a declaration of need as  provided  for  in  section  thirty-eight  hundred  sixty-one.  The plan shall cover the  city's two thousand three--two thousand four fiscal year and  the  three  subsequent fiscal years.    2. Not  later  than  fifteen days after such submission, the authority  shall approve or disapprove the financial plan.    3. In the event the authority shall  disapprove  such  financial  plan  based  on  disapproval  of certain actions or assumptions, the authority  shall promptly thereafter notify the city of its reasons. Within fifteen  days from the receipt of such notification the  city  shall  modify  the  financial  plan, and unless such financial plan modification is approved  by the authority, the authority shall impose a financial plan of its own  formulation  as  soon  as  practicable,  as  provided  for  in   section  thirty-eight hundred fifty-eight of this title.