529 - Acquisition of land; dedication by counties, towns or villages.

§ 529. Acquisition of land; dedication by counties, towns or villages.  1. Whenever the authority shall determine that any real estate or rights  or  easements therein are required for any of the bridges or for highway  connections, and the commissioner shall approve such determination,  the  commissioner  shall  acquire  such  real  estate  or rights or easements  therein in the name  of  the  state  by  dedication,  by  agreement,  by  acquisition  pursuant  to  the  eminent  domain  procedure  law,  or  by  appropriation, in the manner provided by section thirty of  the  highway  law.    2.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  any  other law, the board of  supervisors of any county, the town board of any  town,  the  common  or  city  council  of  any city, or the trustees of any village, without any  election or meeting of the taxpayers or voters or  other  authorization,  is  hereby authorized to dedicate to the state for any of the bridges or  for highway connections, any real property, easements or rights in  land  owned by such county, town, city or village which the authority may deem  necessary.