835 - Assistance by counties within district.

§  835.  Assistance  by counties within district. To aid and assist in  the  acquisition,  construction  and  equipment  of  requisite  regional  marketing facilities within the district, including the acquisition of a  site  or  sites  and the construction of a regional market and marketing  facilities within the district, is hereby  determined  to  be  a  county  purpose  for  each  of the counties included within the district and the  board of supervisors of each of the counties constituting  the  "central  New  York  regional  market  district" shall have the power and may from  time to time in its discretion, appropriate or loan its money to  or  in  the aid of the same for the general improvement of agricultural and home  conditions,  and  may  raise  moneys  for such purposes by a tax on real  property in the county, and may take and receive in return for such sums  so loaned, the bonds or other obligations, senior, junior or  otherwise,  of the authority as security therefor.