1031 - Properties acquired by the authority.

* §   1031.  Properties  acquired  by  the  authority.  The  board  of  supervisors, when appointing  the  authority,  may  adopt  a  resolution  providing, or it may by later agreement with the authority provide, that  all  properties  acquired  by  the  authority  shall  be  acquired in or  transferred to the name of the county or taken and held by the authority  as a governmental agency of the county. The board of supervisors may  at  such  time  or by a later resolution provide that the county shall raise  all or any part of the money necessary for the purposes  of  this  title  and  may  provide  a  fund  from which appropriations may be made by the  board of supervisors for the acquisition, construction and equipment  of  such properties, and to pay all costs, charges, expenses and liabilities  incurred  or  to  be  incurred by the authority, or which the county may  properly advance to the authority for the purposes of  this  title.  The  county  shall be reimbursed out of the revenues of the authority for any  moneys so paid. In  making  advances  to  the  authority  the  board  of  supervisors  may require a resolution of the authority and agreements by  it pledging the revenues of the authority to the county  and  giving  to  the  county  a prior charge upon such revenues substantially as provided  under section one thousand thirty-five, and limiting the  power  of  the  authority  including the power to issue any obligations of its own under  this title. Whenever the authority shall be and continue in default  for  a  period  exceeding  thirty  days in meeting any obligation it may have  assumed to the county, the board shall also have power by resolution  to  remove  any  one or more or all of the members and to fill the vacancies  caused thereby.    * NB Terminated July 1, 1963