1937 - Moneys of the authority.

§  1937. Moneys of the authority. 1. All moneys of the authority shall  be paid to the city as  agent  thereof  and  the  city  shall  designate  depositories  which  shall  not  commingle  such  moneys  with any other  moneys. The moneys shall be deposited in  a  separate  bank  account  or  accounts. The moneys in such accounts shall be paid out on checks of the  authority  signed  by  the treasurer of the city or such other person or  persons as shall be mutually agreed to by the authority  and  the  city,  upon the requisition of the chairman of the authority.    2. At the end of every fiscal year, the authority shall pay all excess  funds  to  the  city  for  its  use.  The  term  excess funds shall mean  authority monies not required for the authority's  budget  in  the  next  fiscal  year. In addition, the authority, with the consent of a majority  of the common council in office, can retain funds in a  special  capital  account  as  a reserve fund for possible future capital projects such as  major  repairs,  reconstruction  or  renovation  of  the  civic  center,  additional  equipment or replacement of existing fixtures and equipment.  The size of the capital account shall  be  mutually  agreed  to  by  the  authority  and  the  city,  and no funds shall be expended from the said  capital account without the consent of a majority of the common  council  in office.    3.   The   auditor   for   the   city   or  other  legally  authorized  representatives of the city are authorized and empowered  from  time  to  time  to  examine the accounts and books of the authority, including its  receipts, disbursements, contracts, leases, sinking  funds,  investments  and any other records and papers relating to its financial standing.    4.  The authority shall be required to submit the following reports to  the mayor, city treasurer and members of the  common  council  on  forms  approved by the city:    (a)  Quarterly  financial  statements  setting  forth  all  income and  expenses for the preceding quarter.  Said  quarterly  reports  shall  be  submitted within fifteen days after the end of the three month period.    (b)  Complete  financial reports of the authority's activities for the  preceding year shall be submitted within sixty days after the  close  of  each fiscal year.    (c)  The authority shall have a complete financial audit prepared by a  qualified, certified public accountant after the close  of  each  fiscal  year,  and  a copy shall be completed and distributed within ninety days  after the close of each fiscal year.    5. The authority's fiscal year shall coincide with the fiscal year  of  the city.