1340 - Bathing places; sanitary requirements.

§  1340.  Bathing  places;  sanitary  requirements.    1.  It shall be  unlawful for any person to maintain, either  as  owner  or  lessee,  any  bathing  establishment of any kind, in this state, for the accommodation  of persons, for pay, or any consideration, at a  point  less  than  five  hundred  feet from any sewer connection emptying therein, or thereat, so  as to pollute in any way, the waters  used  by  those  using  or  hiring  bathing houses at such bathing establishment.    2.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of the owner, lessee or any other person  maintaining any bathing establishment of any kind:    (a) to provide separate  toilet  rooms,  with  water-closets  properly  provided with sanitary plumbing, constructed in a manner approved by the  local  board  of  health  of  the  health  district  wherein the bathing  establishment is located, and in such a way as not  to  contaminate  the  waters used by the bathers; and,    (b) to thoroughly wash and disinfect, or cause to be thoroughly washed  and disinfected, in a manner approved by the said local board of health,  all  bathing  suits  that  have  been hired or used, before re-hiring or  permitting the use of the same again.