204 - Commissioner; appointment; term of office.

§ 204. Commissioner; appointment; term of office.  1. The commissioner  shall  be  appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent  of the senate and shall hold office until the end of  the  term  of  the  governor  by  whom he was appointed and until his successor is appointed  and has qualified.    2. The present commissioner shall be the head of  the  department  and  shall hold office until the expiration of his present term and until his  successor is appointed and has qualified. If, prior to the expiration of  such  present  term, a vacancy shall occur or exist in the office of the  commissioner it shall be filled by appointment by the governor,  by  and  with the advice and consent of the senate, for a term expiring with that  of the governor by whom the appointment was made.    3.  During his term of office the commissioner shall not engage in any  occupation which conflicts with the performance of his official duties.