207 - Health care and wellness education and outreach program.

§  207.  Health  care  and wellness education and outreach program. 1.  There is hereby created  within  the  department  the  health  care  and  wellness  education  and  outreach  program.  The department may conduct  education and outreach programs for consumers, patients, and health care  providers relating to any health care  matters  the  commissioner  deems  appropriate and:    (a) Various health conditions, diseases and health care procedures and  treatment  options,  including  but  not  limited  to  those for breast,  cervical, colorectal, prostate, testicular, skin,  and  ovarian  cancer,  shaken   baby   syndrome,  reflex  sympathetic  dystrophy  syndrome  and  post-polio sequelae.    (b) Recommended preventative  and  wellness  practices  and  services,  including   evidence  based  age  and  gender  appropriate  testing  and  screening exams and immunization schedules.    * (c) Lymphedema, an abnormal swelling of  the  extremities  including  the  causes  and  symptoms  of lymphedema, the value of early detection,  possible options for treatment including their benefits and  risks,  and  other   relevant  information  and  the  recommendation  that  hospitals  treating breast cancer patients implement a lymphedema alert program  by  placing a bright pink wristband on the patient's affected arm.    * NB Effective until January 26, 2011    * (c)  Lymphedema  and  lymphatic disease, an abnormal swelling of the  extremities  including  the  causes,  symptoms  of  primary  lymphedema,  secondary lymphedema and lymphatic disease, prevention, early diagnosis,  options  for  treatment  and therapy, long-term chronic care issues, the  value of early detection, possible options for treatment including their  benefits  and  risks,   and   other   relevant   information   and   the  recommendation  that hospitals treating breast cancer patients implement  a lymphedema alert program by placing a bright  pink  wristband  on  the  patient's  affected  arm.  Links  to  national  lymphedema and lymphatic  disease organizations shall be provided as  part  of  the  informational  summary and electronically through the department's websites.    * NB Effective January 26, 2011    (d)  The  need  and importance of organ and tissue donation, including  information about being registered as an  organ  and  tissue  donor  and  executing documents of gift under article forty-three of this chapter.    (e)  The  need  and  importance  for consumers and patients to have an  advance directive, particularly a health care proxy, and  the  need  and  importance  for  health  care  providers  to  play  a leadership role in  discussing end-of-life care preferences and values with patients and  to  provide patients with health care proxy forms.    (f)  Uterine  fibroids,  an abnormal growth that occurs in the uterus,  including the causes and symptoms of  uterine  fibroids,  the  value  of  early detection, possible options for treatment including their benefits  and risks, information on the elevated risk for minority women and other  relevant information.    (g)   Improving   birth   outcomes,   including   the   importance  of  preconceptional care, early  prenatal  care,  considerations  of  health  risks  during  pregnancy,  considerations of benefits and risks of labor  and delivery options including, but not limited to, vaginal and cesarean  section delivery, elective or repeat cesarean sections, and  appropriate  use of drugs during delivery.    (h)  Palliative  care  options for patients with a terminal illness or  condition.    2. Programs under this section, dealing with one or more subjects, may  include but not be limited to any of the following elements:    (a) educational and informational materials in print,  audio,  visual,  electronic or other media;(b) public service announcements and advertisements; and    (c)  establishment  of  toll-free  telephone  hotlines  and electronic  services to provide information.    3.  The  department  may  produce,  make  available  to   others   for  reproduction,   or  contract  with  others  to  develop  such  materials  mentioned in this section as the commissioner deems  appropriate.  These  materials  shall  be  made  available  to  the  public free of charge as  appropriate or for a fee under certain circumstances.  The  commissioner  may  require  where  appropriate  any health care provider to make these  materials available to patients.    4. In exercising any of his or her  powers  under  this  section,  the  commissioner  may  consult  with  appropriate health care professionals,  providers, consumers, and patients or organizations representing them.    5. The commissioner shall ensure that all  information  and  materials  produced  pursuant to this section are maintained and updated to reflect  best practice recommendations.    6. The commissioner  may  appoint  as  appropriate  advisory  councils  relating  to various matters that are or are proposed to be the subjects  of  programs  under  this  section.  All  such  councils  shall  include  representation  of  health  care  professionals,  providers,  consumers,  patients and other appropriate interests. The members  of  the  councils  shall  receive  no compensation for their services, but shall be allowed  their actual and necessary expenses incurred  in  performance  of  their  duties.    7.  In  addition  to  state funds appropriated for programs under this  section, the commissioner may  accept  grants  from  public  or  private  sources  for  these  programs.  The  commissioner, in administering this  section, shall seek to coordinate the department's programs  with  other  public  and  private  programs,  and  may undertake joint or cooperative  programs with other public or private entities.    8. The commissioner may  make  rules  and  regulations  necessary  and  appropriate for implementation of this section.