238-B - Provider requests for payment.

§  238-b.  Provider  requests for payment. Each request for payment or  bill submitted by  a  health  care  provider  for  clinical  laboratory,  pharmacy services, radiation therapy services, physical therapy services  or  x-ray or imaging services for which the provider knows or has reason  to believe that there has been a referral by  a  referring  practitioner  who is an interested investor in the health care provider shall identify  the referring practitioner by name and by professional license number or  any  appropriate program provider number. The provisions of this section  shall not apply to requests for payment or bills the  content  of  which  are  regulated  solely  by  federal  law  or  regulation and to services  excluded pursuant to paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of  subdivision  two  of  section  two  hundred  thirty-eight-a  of  this  title from the  prohibitions of subdivision one of section two hundred thirty-eight-a of  this title.