2109 - Communicable diseases; municipal hospitals for; establishment, inspection and regulation.

§ 2109. Communicable diseases; municipal hospitals for; establishment,  inspection  and regulation.  1. The commissioner shall from time to time  submit to the authorities of the several municipalities or  counties  of  the  state  such  recommendations as he may consider necessary as to the  establishment of hospitals for  communicable  diseases,  indicating  the  diseases  for  which  in  his  judgment provision should be made and the  extent of such provision.    2. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to inspect  from  time  to  time  all  hospitals  for  communicable  diseases  maintained  under the  jurisdiction of any municipal or county authority and to  report  as  to  the  condition  and  needs  of  such hospitals to the authorities of the  municipality or county, and to include an abstract of  such  reports  in  his annual report.    3.  The  public  health  council  may  from  time  to  time  establish  regulations in the sanitary code for the maintenance  of  hospitals  for  communicable diseases.