2120 - Communicable diseases; control of dangerous and careless patients; commitment.

§  2120.  Communicable  diseases;  control  of  dangerous and careless  patients; commitment.  1. Whenever a complaint is made by a physician to  a health officer that  any  person  is  afflicted  with  a  communicable  disease  or  is  a carrier of typhoid fever, tuberculosis, diphtheria or  other communicable disease and is unable or unwilling to conduct himself  and to live in such a manner as not to expose members of his  family  or  household  or  other persons with whom he may be associated to danger of  infection,  the  health  officer   shall   forthwith   investigate   the  circumstances alleged.    2.  If  the  health officer finds after investigation that a person so  afflicted is a menace to others, he shall  make  and  file  a  complaint  against  such  person  with a magistrate, and on such complaint the said  person shall be brought before such magistrate.    3. The magistrate after due notice and a hearing,  if  satisfied  that  the  complaint  of  the  health  officer  is  well  founded and that the  afflicted person is a source of danger to others, may  commit  the  said  person  to  any  hospital  or  institution  established  for the care of  persons suffering from any such communicable disease  or  maintaining  a  room, ward or wards for such persons.    4.  In making such commitment the magistrate shall make such order for  payment for the care and maintenance of the person committed as  he  may  deem proper.    5.  A  person  who  is  committed  pursuant  to the provisions of this  section shall be deemed to be committed until discharged in  the  manner  authorized  by  section  two  thousand  one hundred twenty-three of this  chapter.