2408 - Annual report.

§  2408.  Annual  report.  The  commissioner shall submit on or before  December first, an annual report to the  governor  and  the  legislature  concerning the operation of the breast and cervical cancer detection and  education  program.  Commencing  in  nineteen  hundred ninety-five, such  reports shall  include  the  experience  of  the  program  in  providing  cervical  cancer  early  detection  and  diagnostic services. The annual  report shall include  strategies  for  implementation  of  the  cervical  cancer prevention plan and for promoting the plan to the general public,  state  and  local  elected  officials,  and  various  public and private  organizations,  associations,  businesses,  industries,  and   agencies.  Approved  organizations  shall  provide  such data and assessment as the  commissioner may require for such report. Such report shall also include  any recommendations  for  additional  action  to  respond  to  the  high  incidence of breast cancer in this state.