2500-I - Child food choking prevention.

§  2500-i.  Child  food  choking  prevention.  1. The department shall  establish criteria for determining which foods  and  food  products  may  pose a significant choking risk for children in various age groups.    2.  The  department  shall  conduct  an  ongoing  public awareness and  education program under section two hundred seven  of  this  chapter  on  choking  risks,  precautions  and life-saving procedures, including, but  not limited to, listing on its internet website information that assists  members of the public  in  locating  infant  and  child  cardiopulmonary  resuscitation classes.    3.  The  department shall produce and distribute educational materials  on food choking risks,  precautions  and  life-saving  procedures.  Such  materials  shall  be made available to child care centers, pediatricians  and nursery,  elementary  and  secondary  schools  for  distribution  to  persons  in  parental  relation  to children, and to hospitals, birthing  centers and other appropriate health care providers for distribution  to  maternity  patients.  In  addition,  such materials shall be provided to  health care professionals engaged in the care and treatment of  children  for  distribution to such children and persons in parental relation. The  department  shall  also  provide  information  on  food  choking  risks,  precautions  and  life-saving  procedures  on  the department's internet  website. No provision of this subdivision shall be  deemed  to  prohibit  the  utilization  and  distribution  of  educational  materials relating  thereto produced by any public, private or governmental entity, in  lieu  of the department's production of such materials.    4.  The department shall periodically review available data on choking  incidents in children and  update  the  information  on  choking  risks,  precautionary  measures  and  life-saving  procedures  provided  in  its  educational materials and on its internet website, as appropriate.    5. The department shall annually report, on or before  January  first,  to  the  governor, the temporary president of the senate and the speaker  of  the  assembly  on  the  implementation  of  this  section  and   any  recommendations for furthering the purpose of this section.    6.  Implementation  of this section shall be contingent upon and shall  be conducted within appropriations made therefor.