2801-A - Establishment or incorporation of hospitals.

* §  2801-a.  Establishment  or  incorporation  of  hospitals.  1.  No  hospital, as defined in this article, shall be established  except  with  the  written  approval  of  the public health council. No certificate of  incorporation of a business  membership  or  not-for-profit  corporation  shall  hereafter be filed which includes among its corporate purposes or  powers the establishment or operation of any  hospital,  as  defined  in  this article, or the solicitation of contributions for any such purpose,  or two or more of such purposes, except with the written approval of the  public  health  council, and when otherwise required by law of a justice  of the supreme court, endorsed on  or  annexed  to  the  certificate  of  incorporation.  No  articles  of  organization  of  a  limited liability  company established pursuant to the New York limited  liability  company  law  which  includes  among  its powers or purposes the establishment or  operation of any hospital as defined in this  article,  shall  be  filed  with  the  department  of  state  except upon the approval of the public  health council.    2. With respect to the incorporation or establishment of any hospital,  as defined in this article, the public health council shall give written  approval after all of the  following  requirements  have  been  met.  An  application  for  approval of the proposed certificate of incorporation,  articles of organization or establishment shall be filed with the public  health council together with such other forms and information  as  shall  be   prescribed  by,  or  acceptable  to,  the  public  health  council.  Thereafter, the public health  council  shall  forward  a  copy  of  the  proposed  certificate or application for establishment, and accompanying  documents, to the state hospital review and  planning  council  and  the  health systems agency having geographical jurisdiction of the area where  the  proposed  institution  is  to be located. The public health council  shall act upon such application after the state council and  the  health  systems   agency   have   had   a   reasonable   time  to  submit  their  recommendations. At the time members of the public  health  council  are  notified  that  an  application  is  scheduled  for  consideration,  the  applicant and the health systems agency shall be so notified in writing.  The public health council shall afford the applicant an  opportunity  to  present  information in person concerning the application to a committee  designated by the council. The public health council shall not take  any  action  contrary to the advice of either the state council or the health  systems agency until it affords to either an opportunity  to  request  a  public  hearing and, if so requested, a public hearing shall be held. If  the public health council proposes  to  disapprove  the  application  it  shall  afford  the applicant an opportunity to request a public hearing.  The public health council may hold a public hearing on  the  application  on  its own motion. Any public hearing held pursuant to this subdivision  may be conducted by the public health  council,  or  by  any  individual  designated  by  the  public  health council. Beginning on January first,  nineteen hundred ninety-four,  and  each  year  thereafter,  a  complete  application  received  between  January first and June thirtieth of each  year shall be reviewed by the appropriate health systems agency and  the  department  and  presented  to  the  state  hospital review and planning  council for its consideration prior to June thirtieth of  the  following  year and a complete application received between July first and December  thirty-first  of  each  year shall be reviewed by the appropriate health  systems agency and the department presented to the state hospital review  and planning council for consideration prior to December thirty-first of  the following year.    2-a. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law  to  the  contrary,  the  commissioner  is authorized to approve a certificate of incorporation or  articles of organization for establishment of a hospital, provided that:(i)  the  certificate  of  incorporation  or  articles  of  organization  reflects  solely a change in the form of the business organization of an  existing entity which had been approved by the  public  health  council;  and  (ii)  every incorporator, stockholder, member, director and sponsor  of the new entity shall  have  been  an  owner,  partner,  incorporator,  stockholder,  member,  director  or  sponsor of the existing entity; and  (iii) the distribution of ownership, interests and voting rights in  the  new  entity  shall be the same as in the existing entity; and (iv) there  shall be no change in the operator of a hospital other than the form  of  its  business  organization,  as  a  result  of  the  approval  of  such  certificate of incorporation or articles of organization.  Any  approval  by  the  public  health  council  of a person as an owner, incorporator,  stockholder, member, director or sponsor in the existing entity shall be  deemed to be approval for the same degree of participation  in  the  new  entity.  If  the  proposal  is acceptable to the commissioner an amended  operating certificate shall be issued. In  the  event  the  commissioner  determines  that the proposed transfer is not approvable the application  shall be referred to the  public  health  council  for  its  review  and  action.  If  the  public  health  council  proposes  to  disapprove  the  application, it shall afford the applicant an opportunity to  request  a  public hearing and, if so requested, a public hearing shall be held. Any  public hearing held pursuant to this subdivision may be conducted by the  public  health  council,  or  by any individual designated by the public  health council.    3. The public health  council  shall  not  approve  a  certificate  of  incorporation, articles of organization or application for establishment  unless it is satisfied, insofar as applicable, as to (a) the public need  for the existence of the institution at the time and place and under the  circumstances  proposed,  provided,  however,  that  in  the  case of an  institution proposed to be established or operated  by  an  organization  defined  in  subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-two-a of the  executive law, the needs of the members of  the  religious  denomination  concerned,  for  care or treatment in accordance with their religious or  ethical convictions,  shall  be  deemed  to  be  public  need;  (b)  the  character,  competence,  and  standing in the community, of the proposed  incorporators, directors, sponsors, stockholders, members or  operators;  with   respect   to   any   proposed  incorporator,  director,  sponsor,  stockholder, member or operator who is already or within  the  past  ten  years  has  been  an  incorporator, director, sponsor, member, principal  stockholder, principal member, or  operator  of  any  hospital,  private  proprietary  home  for  adults, residence for adults, or non-profit home  for the aged or blind which has been issued an operating certificate  by  the  state  department of social services, or a halfway house, hostel or  other residential facility or  institution  for  the  care,  custody  or  treatment  of  the mentally disabled which is subject to approval by the  department of mental hygiene, no approval shall be  granted  unless  the  public  health  council,  having  afforded  an  adequate  opportunity to  members of health systems agencies having geographical  jurisdiction  of  the  area  where  the  institution  is  to be located to be heard, shall  affirmatively find by substantial evidence as to each such incorporator,  director,  sponsor,   principal   stockholder   or   operator   that   a  substantially  consistent  high  level  of  care  is  being or was being  rendered in each such hospital, home, residence, halfway house,  hostel,  or  other  residential facility or institution with which such person is  or was affiliated; for the purposes of this paragraph, the public health  council shall adopt rules and regulations, subject to  the  approval  of  the  commissioner,  to  establish  the  criteria to be used to determine  whether a substantially consistent high level of care has been rendered,provided,  however,  that  there  shall  not  be  a   finding   that   a  substantially  consistent  high  level  of  care has been rendered where  there have  been  violations  of  the  state  hospital  code,  or  other  applicable rules and regulations, that (i) threatened to directly affect  the  health, safety or welfare of any patient or resident, and (ii) were  recurrent or were not promptly corrected; (c) the financial resources of  the proposed institution and its sources of  future  revenues;  and  (d)  such other matters as it shall deem pertinent.    3-a.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the public  health council is hereby empowered to  approve  the  establishment,  for  demonstration  purposes,  of  not more than one existing hospital within  the geographical jurisdiction of each health systems agency  established  under  the  provisions of subdivision (c) of section twenty-nine hundred  four of this chapter. The purposes of such hospitals shall be  to  offer  and  provide  nursing  home  services,  board  and  lodging  to  persons  requiring such services within one hospital. The public  health  council  may  approve  the  establishment of such hospitals without regard to the  requirement of public need as set forth in  subdivision  three  of  this  section.    4.  (a)  Any  change  in  the person who is the operator of a hospital  shall be approved by the public health council in  accordance  with  the  provisions   of   subdivisions   two   and   three   of   this  section.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this paragraph, any change  by a natural person who  is  the  operator  of  a  hospital  seeking  to  transfer  part of his or her interest in such hospital to another person  or persons so as to create a partnership shall be approved in accordance  with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subdivision.    (b) (i) Any transfer, assignment or other disposition of  ten  percent  or  more  of  an  interest  or voting rights in a partnership or limited  liability company, which is the operator of a hospital to a new  partner  or  member, shall be approved by the public health council in accordance  with the provisions of subdivisions  two  and  three  of  this  section,  except that: (A) any such change shall be subject to the approval by the  public  health  council  in accordance with paragraph (b) of subdivision  three of this section only with respect to the new  partner  or  member,  and  any  remaining  partners  or  members  who have not been previously  approved for that facility in accordance with such  paragraph,  and  (B)  such  change  shall not be subject to paragraph (a) of subdivision three  of this section.    (ii) With respect to a transfer, assignment or  disposition  involving  less  than  ten  percent  of  an  interest  or  voting  rights  in  such  partnership or limited liability company to a new partner or member,  no  prior  approval of the public health council shall be required. However,  no such transaction shall be effective unless at least ninety days prior  to the intended effective  date  thereof,  the  partnership  or  limited  liability  company  fully  completes  and  files  with the public health  council notice on a form, to be developed by the public health  council,  which shall disclose such information as may reasonably be necessary for  the  public  health  council  to  determine  whether  it  should bar the  transaction for any of the reasons set forth in item (A),  (B),  (C)  or  (D)  below.  Within ninety days from the date of receipt of such notice,  the  public  health  council  may  bar  any   transaction   under   this  subparagraph:  (A)  if the equity position of the partnership or limited  liability company, determined  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  would  be  reduced as a result of the transfer,  assignment or disposition; (B) if the transaction would  result  in  the  ownership  of  a  partnership  or membership interest by any persons who  have been convicted of a felony described in subdivision five of sectiontwenty-eight hundred six of this article; (C) if  there  are  reasonable  grounds  to  believe  that the proposed transaction does not satisfy the  character and competence criteria set forth in subdivision three of this  section; or (D) if the transaction, together with all transactions under  this  subparagraph  for  the  partnership, or successor, during any five  year period would, in the aggregate, involve twenty-five percent or more  of the interest in the partnership.  The  public  health  council  shall  state   specific   reasons   for  barring  any  transaction  under  this  subparagraph and shall so notify each party to the proposed transaction.    (iii) With respect to a transfer,  assignment  or  disposition  of  an  interest  or  voting  rights  in  such  partnership or limited liability  company to any remaining partner or member, which  transaction  involves  the  withdrawal  of  the  transferor  from  the  partnership  or limited  liability company, no prior approval of the public health council  shall  be  required.  However, no such transaction shall be effective unless at  least ninety days prior to the  intended  effective  date  thereof,  the  partnership  or limited liability company fully completes and files with  the public health council notice on a  form,  to  be  developed  by  the  public  health  council,  which  shall  disclose such information as may  reasonably be necessary for  the  public  health  council  to  determine  whether  it  should  bar the transaction for the reason set forth below.  Within ninety days from the date of receipt of such notice,  the  public  health  council  may  bar any transaction under this subparagraph if the  equity  position  of  the  partnership  or  limited  liability  company,  determined  in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,  would be reduced as a result of the transfer, assignment or disposition.  The public health council shall state specific reasons for  barring  any  transaction  under  this  subparagraph and shall so notify each party to  the proposed transaction.    (c) Any transfer, assignment or other disposition of  ten  percent  or  more  of the stock or voting rights thereunder of a corporation which is  the operator of a hospital or which is a member of a  limited  liability  company which is the operator of a hospital to a new stockholder, or any  transfer,  assignment or other disposition of the stock or voting rights  thereunder of such a corporation  which  results  in  the  ownership  or  control  of  more  than  ten  percent  of  the  stock  or  voting rights  thereunder of such corporation by any person not previously approved  by  the  public  health  council  for  that  corporation shall be subject to  approval by the public health council in accordance with the  provisions  of  subdivisions two and three of this section and rules and regulations  pursuant thereto; except that: any such transaction shall be subject  to  the  approval  by the public health council in accordance with paragraph  (b) of subdivision three of this section only  with  respect  to  a  new  stockholder  or a new principal stockholder; and shall not be subject to  paragraph (a) of subdivision three of this section. In  the  absence  of  such  approval,  the  operating  certificate  of  such hospital shall be  subject to revocation or suspension. No prior  approval  of  the  public  health  council shall be required with respect to a transfer, assignment  or disposition of ten percent or more of  the  stock  or  voting  rights  thereunder of a corporation which is the operator of a hospital or which  is  a  member  of  a  limited  liability company which is the owner of a  hospital to any person previously approved by the public health  council  for  that  corporation.  However, no such transaction shall be effective  unless at least  ninety  days  prior  to  the  intended  effective  date  thereof,  the  stockholder  completes  and  files with the public health  council notice on forms to be developed by the  public  health  council,  which shall disclose such information as may reasonably be necessary for  the  public  health  council  to  determine  whether  it  should bar thetransaction. Such transaction will be final as of the intended effective  date unless, prior  thereto,  the  public  health  council  shall  state  specific  reasons for barring such transactions under this paragraph and  shall  notify  each  party  to the proposed transaction. Nothing in this  paragraph shall be construed  as  permitting  a  person  not  previously  approved by the public health council for that corporation to become the  owner  of ten percent or more of the stock of a corporation which is the  operator of a hospital or which is  a  member  of  a  limited  liability  company  which  is  the  owner of a hospital without first obtaining the  approval of the public health council.    (d) No hospital shall be approved for  establishment  which  would  be  operated  by  a  limited  partnership,  or  by  a partnership any of the  members of which are not natural persons.    (e) No hospital shall be approved for  establishment  which  would  be  operated  by a corporation any of the stock of which is owned by another  corporation or a limited liability  company  if  any  of  its  corporate  members' stock is owned by another corporation.    (f)  No  corporation  shall be a member of a limited liability company  authorized to operate a  hospital  unless  its  proposed  incorporators,  directors,  stockholders  or  principal  stockholders  shall  have  been  approved in accordance with the provisions of subdivision three of  this  section  applicable  to  the  approval  of  the  proposed incorporators,  directors or stockholders of any other  corporation  requiring  approval  for establishment.    (g)  A  natural person appointed as trustee of an express testamentary  trust, created by a deceased sole proprietor, partner or shareholder  in  the  operation  of  a  hospital for the benefit of a person of less than  twenty-five years of  age,  may,  as  the  trustee,  apply  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of this section for approval to operate or participate  in the operation of a facility or interest therein which is included  in  the corpus of such trust until such time as all beneficiaries attain the  age  of  twenty-five,  unless  the trust instrument provides for earlier  termination, or such beneficiaries  receive  establishment  approval  in  their  own right, or until a transfer of the trust corpus is approved by  the public health  council  in  accordance  with  this  subdivision  and  subdivisions  two and three of this section, whichever first occurs. The  public health council shall not approve any such application  unless  it  is satisfied as to:    (i)  the  character,  competence and standing in the community of each  proposed trustee operator pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of  subdivision three of this section; and    (ii) the  ability  of  the  trustee  under  the  terms  of  the  trust  instrument to operate or participate in the operation of the hospital in  a  manner  consistent  with  this  chapter  and  regulations promulgated  pursuant thereto.    (h)  A  natural  person  appointed  conservator  pursuant  to  article  eighty-one  of  the  mental  hygiene  law, or a natural person appointed  committee  of  the  property  of  an  incompetent  pursuant  to  article  eighty-one  of  the  mental hygiene law or a sole proprietor, partner or  shareholder of a hospital, may apply pursuant to subdivision two of this  section for approval to operate a hospital owned by the  conservatee  or  incompetent  for a period not exceeding two years or until a transfer of  the hospital is approved by the public health council in accordance with  subdivisions two and three of this section, whichever occurs first.  The  public  health  council shall not approve any such application unless it  is satisfied as to:(i) the character, competence and standing in  the  community  of  the  proposed  conservator  operator  or  committee  operator pursuant to the  provisions of paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section; and    (ii)  the  ability  of the conservator or committee under the terms of  the court order to operate the hospital in a manner consistent with this  chapter and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.    5. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, no  county,  city,  town,  village  or other governmental subdivision shall establish or create any  agency concerned with the establishment of any hospital  as  defined  in  this  article without securing the written approval of the public health  council  in  accordance  with  the  requirements   and   procedures   of  subdivisions  two and three of this section with respect to certificates  of incorporation, articles of  organization  and  establishment,  except  that  the requirements relating to the proposed incorporators, directors  and sponsors shall not apply. The  preceding  shall  not  apply  to  the  establishment  of  state  hospitals  by  the state of New York or to the  establishment of municipal hospitals by the city of New York.    6. No corporation having power to solicit contributions for charitable  purposes shall be deemed to have authority to solicit contributions  for  any  purpose  for  which  the  approval  of the public health council is  required, unless the certificate  of  incorporation  specifically  makes  provision  therefor,  and  the  written  approval  of  the public health  council is endorsed on or annexed to such certificate.    7. Where such approval has not been obtained the public health council  may institute and maintain an action in the supreme  court  through  the  attorney  general  to  procure  a  judgment  dissolving  and vacating or  annulling the certificate of incorporation of    (a) any such corporation, or    (b)  any  corporation  hereafter  incorporated,  the  name,  purposes,  objects  or the activities of which in any manner may lead to the belief  that the corporation possesses or may exercise any of such purposes.    8. No corporation heretofore formed, having among its powers the power  to  solicit  contributions  for  charitable  purposes,  may  solicit  or  continue  to  solicit contributions for a purpose for which the approval  of the public health council is required without the written approval of  the public health council, except a corporation  which,  prior  to  June  first,  nineteen hundred seventy, had received the approval of the state  board of social welfare of a  certificate  of  incorporation  containing  such  power.  If  such  approval  is  not  obtained  and the corporation  continues to solicit or to receive contributions  for  such  purpose  or  advertises that it has obtained such approval, the public health council  may  institute  and  maintain an action in the supreme court through the  attorney general to  procure  a  judgment  dissolving  and  vacating  or  annulling the certificate of incorporation of any such corporation.    9.  Only  a natural person, a partnership or limited liability company  may hereafter undertake to  engage  in  the  business  of  operating  or  conducting  a  hospital,  as defined in this article, for profit, except  that: (a) a person, partnership  or  corporation  which  owned  and  was  operating  a  hospital  on April fourth, nineteen hundred fifty-six, may  continue to own and operate such hospital; (b)  a  business  corporation  may,  with  the approval of the public health council, and in accordance  with the provisions of subdivisions  two  and  three  of  this  section,  undertake  to  engage  in  the  business  of  operating  or conducting a  hospital, as defined in this article  for  profit,  provided  that  such  corporation  shall  not  discriminate  because  of  race,  color, creed,  national origin or sponsor in admission or retention of patients; (c)  a  business  corporation  owning  and  operating  a  nursing  home  on  May  twenty-second,  nineteen  hundred   sixty-nine,   in   accordance   withapplicable  provisions  of  law,  may  continue  to own and operate such  nursing home; (d) a person who, or a partnership which, is  operating  a  private   proprietary   nursing   home  in  accordance  with  applicable  provisions  of  law may, with the approval of the public health council,  and in accordance with the  provisions  of  subdivision  three  of  this  section  and  any  rules  and  regulations  thereunder  form  a business  corporation to engage in the business of operating  or  conducting  such  nursing  home,  provided,  however,  that  such  corporation  shall  not  discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin  or  sponsor  in  admission  or  retention  of  patients;  (e)  a business corporation  operating a nursing home, which corporation was formed with the approval  of the state board of social welfare, may continue to  own  and  operate  such nursing home.    10.  (a) The public health council, by a majority vote of its members,  shall  adopt  and  amend  rules  and  regulations,  to  effectuate   the  provisions  and  purposes  of  this  section,  and  to  provide  for the  revocation, limitation or annulment of approvals of establishment.    (b) (i) No approval of establishment  shall  be  revoked,  limited  or  annulled  without  first  offering the person who received such approval  the opportunity of requesting a public hearing. (ii)  The  commissioner,  at  the request of the public health council, shall fix a time and place  for any such hearing requested. (iii) Notice of the time  and  place  of  the  hearing  shall  be served in person or mailed by registered mail to  the person who has received establishment approval at  least  twenty-one  days  before the date fixed for the hearing. (iv) Such person shall file  with the department, not less than eight days prior to  the  hearing,  a  written  answer.  (v)  All  orders  or determinations hereunder shall be  subject to review as provided in  article  seventy-eight  of  the  civil  practice  law and rules. Application for such review must be made within  sixty days after service in person or by registered mail of  a  copy  of  such order or determination.    11.  Any  person  filing  a  proposed  certificate  of  incorporation,  articles of organization  or  an  application  for  establishment  of  a  residential  health  care  facility  for  approval  of the public health  council shall  file  with  the  commissioner  such  information  on  the  ownership  of  the  property  interests  in  such  facility  as shall be  prescribed by regulation, including the following:    (a) The name and address and a description of  the  interest  held  by  each of the following persons:    (i)  any  person,  who  directly  or indirectly, beneficially owns any  interest in the land on which the facility is located;    (ii) any person who, directly or  indirectly,  beneficially  owns  any  interest in the building in which the facility is located;    (iii)  any  person  who, directly or indirectly, beneficially owns any  interest in any mortgage,  note,  deed  of  trust  or  other  obligation  secured  in  whole  or in part by the land on which or building in which  the facility is located; and    (iv) any person who, directly  or  indirectly,  has  any  interest  as  lessor  or  lessee in any lease or sub-lease of the land on which or the  building in which the facility is located.    (b) If  any  person  named  in  response  to  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision is a partnership or limited liability company, then the name  and address of each partner or member.    (c)  If  any  person  named  in  response  to  paragraph  (a)  of this  subdivision is a corporation, other than a corporation whose shares  are  traded  on  a national securities exchange or are regularly quoted in an  over-the-counter market or which is a commercial bank, savings  bank  or  savings and loan association, then the name and address of each officer,director,  stockholder  and,  if  known,  each principal stockholder and  controlling person of such corporation.    (d)  If  any  corporation  named  in response to paragraph (a) of this  subdivision is a corporation whose  shares  are  traded  on  a  national  securities  exchange  or  are  regularly  quoted  in an over-the-counter  market or which is a commercial bank, savings bank or savings  and  loan  association,  then  the  name  and  address  of  the principal executive  officers and each director and, if known, each principal stockholder  of  such corporation.    12. The following definitions shall be applicable to this section:    (a)  "Controlling  person"  of  any  corporation, partnership, limited  liability company or other entity means any person who by  reason  of  a  direct  or indirect ownership interest (whether of record or beneficial)  has the ability, acting either alone or  in  concert  with  others  with  ownership  or  membership interests, to direct or cause the direction of  the management or policies of  said  corporation,  partnership,  limited  liability  company  or  other  entity.  Neither the commissioner nor any  employee of the department nor any member of a local legislative body of  a county or municipality, nor any county or  municipal  official  except  when  acting as the administrator of a residential health care facility,  shall,  by  reason  of  his  or  her  official  position,  be  deemed  a  controlling  person  of  any corporation, partnership, limited liability  company or other entity, nor shall any person who serves as an  officer,  administrator or other employee of any corporation, partnership, limited  liability company or other entity or as a member of a board of directors  or  trustees  of any corporation be deemed to be a controlling person of  such corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other entity  as a result of such position or his or  her  official  actions  in  such  position.    (b)  "Principal  stockholder"  of  a  corporation means any person who  beneficially owns, holds or has the power to vote, ten percent  or  more  of any class of securities issued by said corporation.    (c) "Principal member" of a limited liability company means any person  who  beneficially  owns,  holds or has the power to vote, ten percent or  more interest determined by such member's share in the  current  profits  of the limited liability company.    13. Any person who operates a hospital without the written approval of  the public health council shall be liable to the people of the state for  a  civil  penalty  not  to  exceed  ten  thousand dollars for every such  violation.    14. (a) The public health council may  approve  the  establishment  of  not-for-profit rural health networks as defined in article twenty-nine-A  of  this  chapter,  pursuant  to  the provisions of subdivisions two and  three of this section, except that the public health council  shall  not  consider  the  public  need  for  and financial resources and sources of  future revenues of such networks which do not seek approval to operate a  hospital. In addition to character and  competence,  the  public  health  council may take into consideration available network plans.    (b)  The  board  of  directors  or  trustees of a not-for-profit rural  health network shall be comprised of a representative or representatives  of participating providers and members of the general public residing in  the area served by such network.    15. (a) Diagnostic or treatment  centers  established  exclusively  to  provide end stage renal disease services may be operated by corporations  formed  under  the  laws  of  New York whose stockholders or members, as  applicable, are not natural  persons  if  such  corporations  and  their  principal  stockholders  and  members,  as  applicable,  and controlling  persons comply with all applicable  requirements  of  this  section  anddemonstrate,   to   the  satisfaction  of  the  public  health  council,  sufficient experience and expertise in delivering high quality end stage  renal disease care. For purposes of this subdivision, the public  health  council shall adopt and amend rules and regulations, notwithstanding any  inconsistent  provision  of this section, to address any matter it deems  pertinent to the establishment and operation of diagnostic or  treatment  centers  pursuant  to  this  subdivision;  provided  that such rules and  regulations shall include, but not be limited to provisions governing or  relating to:  (i)  any  direct  or  indirect  changes  or  transfers  of  ownership  interests  or  voting  rights  in  such corporations or their  stockholders or members, as applicable, and provide  for  public  health  council  approval  of  any  change  in  controlling interests, principal  stockholders, controlling persons,  parent  company  or  sponsors;  (ii)  oversight   of   the  operator  and  its  stockholders  or  members,  as  applicable, including local governance of the  diagnostic  or  treatment  centers;  and  (iii)  relating  to  the  character  and  competence  and  qualifications of, and changes relating to, the directors  and  officers  of  the  operator  and  its principal stockholders, controlling persons,  parent company or sponsors.    (b) The following provisions  of  this  section  shall  not  apply  to  diagnostic  or  treatment centers operated pursuant to this subdivision:  (i) paragraph (b) of subdivision three  of  this  section,  relating  to  stockholders and members; (ii) paragraph (c) of subdivision four of this  section,  relating  to  the  disposition  of stock or voting rights; and  (iii) paragraph (e) of subdivision four of this section, relating to the  ownership of stock or membership.    16.  (a)  The  commissioner  shall  charge  to  applicants   for   the  establishment of hospitals the following application fee:      (i) For general hospitals:                              $3,000      (ii) For nursing homes:                                 $3,000      (iii) For safety net diagnostic and treatment centers            as defined in paragraph (c) of this subdivision:  $1,000      (iv) For all other diagnostic and treatment centers:    $2,000    (b) An applicant for both establishment and construction of a hospital  shall  not  be  subject to this subdivision and shall be subject to fees  and charges as set forth in section twenty-eight  hundred  two  of  this  article.    (c)  The  commissioner may designate a diagnostic and treatment center  or proposed diagnostic and treatment center as a "safety net  diagnostic  and  treatment center" if it is operated or proposes to be operated by a  not-for-profit corporation or local health department;  participates  or  intends  to  participate in the medical assistance program; demonstrates  or projects that a significant percentage of its visits,  as  determined  by  the  commissioner,  were  by  uninsured individuals; and principally  provides primary care services as defined by the commissioner.    (d) The fees and  charges  paid  by  an  applicant  pursuant  to  this  subdivision for any application for establishment of a hospital approved  in  accordance with this section shall be deemed allowable capital costs  in the determination of reimbursement rates established pursuant to this  article. The cost of such fees and  charges  shall  not  be  subject  to  reimbursement  ceiling  or  other penalties used by the commissioner for  the  purpose  of  establishing  reimbursement  rates  pursuant  to  this  article.  All  fees  pursuant  to  this  section shall be payable to the  department of health for deposit into the special revenue funds - other,  miscellaneous special revenue fund - 339, certificate of need account.    * NB Effective until December 1, 2010    * §  2801-a.  Establishment  or  incorporation  of  hospitals.  1.  No  hospital,  as  defined in this article, shall be established except withthe written approval of the public health and health  planning  council.  No   certificate   of   incorporation   of   a  business  membership  or  not-for-profit corporation shall hereafter be filed which includes among  its  corporate  purposes or powers the establishment or operation of any  hospital,  as  defined  in  this  article,  or   the   solicitation   of  contributions  for  any  such  purpose, or two or more of such purposes,  except with the  written  approval  of  the  public  health  and  health  planning council, and when otherwise required by law of a justice of the  supreme   court,   endorsed   on   or  annexed  to  the  certificate  of  incorporation. No  articles  of  organization  of  a  limited  liability  company  established  pursuant to the New York limited liability company  law which includes among its powers or  purposes  the  establishment  or  operation  of  any  hospital  as defined in this article, shall be filed  with the department of state except upon  the  approval  of  the  public  health and health planning council.    2. With respect to the incorporation or establishment of any hospital,  as  defined  in  this  article,  the  public  health and health planning  council  shall  give  written  approval  after  all  of  the   following  requirements  have been met. An application for approval of the proposed  certificate of incorporation, articles of organization or  establishment  shall  be  filed  with  the  public  health  and health planning council  together with such other forms and information as  shall  be  prescribed  by,  or  acceptable  to,  the public health and health planning council.  Thereafter, the public health and health planning council shall  forward  a copy of the proposed certificate or application for establishment, and  accompanying  documents,  to  the  health systems agency, if any, having  geographical jurisdiction of the area where the proposed institution  is  to  be  located. The public health and health planning council shall act  upon such  application  after  the  health  systems  agency  has  had  a  reasonable  time to submit their recommendations. At the time members of  the public health and health  planning  council  are  notified  that  an  application is scheduled for consideration, the applicant and the health  systems  agency  shall  be so notified in writing. The public health and  health planning council shall afford the  applicant  an  opportunity  to  present  information in person concerning the application to a committee  designated by the council. The public health and health planning council  shall not take any action contrary to the advice of the  health  systems  agency  until  it affords to the health systems agency an opportunity to  request a public hearing and, if so requested, a public hearing shall be  held. If the public health  and  health  planning  council  proposes  to  disapprove  the application it shall afford the applicant an opportunity  to request a public hearing.  The  public  health  and  health  planning  council  may hold a public hearing on the application on its own motion.  Any public hearing held pursuant to this subdivision may be conducted by  the public health and health planning  council,  or  by  any  individual  designated  by  the public health and health planning council. Beginning  on  January  first,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-four,   and   each   year  thereafter,  a  complete  application received between January first and  June thirtieth of each year shall be reviewed by the appropriate  health  systems agency and the department and presented to the public health and  health planning council for its consideration prior to June thirtieth of  the  following  year  and  a  complete application received between July  first and December thirty-first of each year shall be  reviewed  by  the  appropriate  health  systems  agency and the department presented to the  public health and health planning council  for  consideration  prior  to  December thirty-first of the following year.    2-a.  (a)  Notwithstanding  any  provision of law to the contrary, the  commissioner is authorized to approve a certificate of incorporation  orarticles of organization for establishment of a hospital, provided that:  (i)  the  certificate  of  incorporation  or  articles  of  organization  reflects solely a change in the form of the business organization of  an  existing  entity which had been approved by the public health and health  planning council  or  its  predecessor;  and  (ii)  every  incorporator,  stockholder,  member,  director and sponsor of the new entity shall have  been an owner, partner, incorporator, stockholder, member,  director  or  sponsor of the existing entity; and (iii) the distribution of ownership,  interests  and  voting  rights in the new entity shall be the same as in  the existing entity; and (iv) there shall be no change in  the  operator  of  a  hospital  other  than the form of its business organization, as a  result of the approval of such certificate of incorporation or  articles  of  organization.  Any approval by the public health and health planning  council of a person as  an  owner,  incorporator,  stockholder,  member,  director  or  sponsor  in  the  existing  entity  shall  be deemed to be  approval for the same degree of participation in the new entity. If  the  proposal   is  acceptable  to  the  commissioner  an  amended  operating  certificate shall be issued. In the event  the  commissioner  determines  that  the  proposed  transfer is not approvable the application shall be  referred to the public health and health planning council for its review  and action. If the public health and health planning council proposes to  disapprove the application, it shall afford the applicant an opportunity  to request a public hearing and, if so requested, a public hearing shall  be held. Any public hearing held pursuant to  this  subdivision  may  be  conducted  by  the  public health and health planning council, or by any  individual designated by the public health and health planning council.    3. The public health and health planning council shall not  approve  a  certificate  of  incorporation,  articles of organization or application  for establishment unless it is satisfied, insofar as applicable,  as  to  (a) the public need for the existence of the institution at the time and  place  and  under the circumstances proposed, provided, however, that in  the case of an institution proposed to be established or operated by  an  organization   defined   in  subdivision  one  of  section  one  hundred  seventy-two-a of the executive law, the needs  of  the  members  of  the  religious  denomination  concerned,  for care or treatment in accordance  with their religious or ethical  convictions,  shall  be  deemed  to  be  public  need;  (b)  the  character,  competence,  and  standing  in  the  community,  of  the   proposed   incorporators,   directors,   sponsors,  stockholders,  members  or  operators;  with  respect  to  any  proposed  incorporator, director, sponsor, stockholder, member or operator who  is  already or within the past ten years has been an incorporator, director,  sponsor, member, principal stockholder, principal member, or operator of  any hospital, private proprietary home for adults, residence for adults,  or  non-profit  home  for  the  aged  or  blind which has been issued an  operating certificate by the state department of social services,  or  a  halfway  house,  hostel or other residential facility or institution for  the care, custody or treatment of the mentally disabled which is subject  to approval by the department of mental hygiene, no  approval  shall  be  granted  unless  the  public  health and health planning council, having  afforded an adequate opportunity to members of health systems  agencies,  if   any,  having  geographical  jurisdiction  of  the  area  where  the  institution is to be located to be heard, shall  affirmatively  find  by  substantial  evidence  as  to each such incorporator, director, sponsor,  principal stockholder or operator that a substantially  consistent  high  level  of  care  is  being  or was being rendered in each such hospital,  home, residence, halfway house, hostel, or other residential facility or  institution with which  such  person  is  or  was  affiliated;  for  the  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  the  public  health  and health planningcouncil shall adopt rules and regulations, subject to  the  approval  of  the  commissioner,  to  establish  the  criteria to be used to determine  whether a substantially consistent high level of care has been rendered,  provided,   however,   that   there  shall  not  be  a  finding  that  a  substantially consistent high level of  care  has  been  rendered  where  there  have  been  violations  of  the  state  hospital  code,  or other  applicable rules and regulations, that (i) threatened to directly affect  the health, safety or welfare of any patient or resident, and (ii)  were  recurrent or were not promptly corrected; (c) the financial resources of  the  proposed  institution  and  its sources of future revenues; and (d)  such other matters as it shall deem pertinent.    3-a. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the  public  health  council  is  hereby  empowered to approve the establishment, for  demonstration purposes, of not more than one  existing  hospital  within  the  geographical jurisdiction of each health systems agency established  under the provisions of subdivision (c) of section  twenty-nine  hundred  four  of  this chapter. The purposes of such hospitals shall be to offer  and  provide  nursing  home  services,  board  and  lodging  to  persons  requiring  such  services within one hospital. The public health council  may approve the establishment of such hospitals without  regard  to  the  requirement  of  public  need  as set forth in subdivision three of this  section.    4. (a) Any change in the person who is  the  operator  of  a  hospital  shall  be  approved  by the public health and health planning council in  accordance with the provisions of subdivisions two  and  three  of  this  section.  Notwithstanding  any inconsistent provision of this paragraph,  any change by a natural person who is the operator of a hospital seeking  to transfer part of his or her interest  in  such  hospital  to  another  person  or  persons  so  as to create a partnership shall be approved in  accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subdivision.    (b) (i) Any transfer, assignment or other disposition of  ten  percent  or  more  of  an  interest  or voting rights in a partnership or limited  liability company, which is the operator of a hospital to a new  partner  or  member,  shall  be approved by the public health and health planning  council, in accordance with the provisions of subdivisions two and three  of this section, except that: (A) any such change shall  be  subject  to  the  approval  by  the  public  health  and  health  planning council in  accordance with paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section  only  with respect to the new partner or member, and any remaining partners or  members  who  have  not  been  previously  approved for that facility in  accordance with such paragraph, and (B) such change shall not be subject  to paragraph (a) of subdivision three of this section.    (ii) With respect to a transfer, assignment or  disposition  involving  less  than  ten  percent  of  an  interest  or  voting  rights  in  such  partnership or limited liability company to a new partner or member,  no  prior approval of the public health and health planning council shall be  required.  However,  no  such  transaction  shall be effective unless at  least ninety days prior to the  intended  effective  date  thereof,  the  partnership  or limited liability company fully completes and files with  the public health and health planning council notice on a  form,  to  be  developed  by the public health and health planning council, which shall  disclose such information as may reasonably be necessary for the  public  health  and  health  planning council to determine whether it should bar  the transaction for any of the reasons set forth in item (A),  (B),  (C)  or  (D)  below.  Within  ninety  days  from  the date of receipt of such  notice, the public health  and  health  planning  council  may  bar  any  transaction  under  this subparagraph: (A) if the equity position of the  partnership or limited liability company, determined in accordance  withgenerally  accepted  accounting principles, would be reduced as a result  of the transfer, assignment or disposition; (B) if the transaction would  result in the ownership of a partnership or membership interest  by  any  persons  who  have  been  convicted of a felony described in subdivision  five of section twenty-eight hundred six of this article; (C)  if  there  are reasonable grounds to believe that the proposed transaction does not  satisfy  the  character and competence criteria set forth in subdivision  three of this section; or (D) if  the  transaction,  together  with  all  transactions  under this subparagraph for the partnership, or successor,  during any five year period would, in the aggregate, involve twenty-five  percent or more of the interest in the partnership.  The  public  health  and health planning council shall state specific reasons for barring any  transaction  under  this  subparagraph and shall so notify each party to  the proposed transaction.    (iii) With respect to a transfer,  assignment  or  disposition  of  an  interest  or  voting  rights  in  such  partnership or limited liability  company to any remaining partner or member, which  transaction  involves  the  withdrawal  of  the  transferor  from  the  partnership  or limited  liability company, no prior approval of the  public  health  and  health  planning  council  shall be required. However, no such transaction shall  be effective unless at least ninety days prior to the intended effective  date  thereof,  the  partnership  or  limited  liability  company  fully  completes  and  files with the public health and health planning council  notice on a form, to be  developed  by  the  public  health  and  health  planning   council,   which  shall  disclose  such  information  as  may  reasonably be necessary  for  the  public  health  and  health  planning  council  to  determine  whether  it  should  bar the transaction for the  reason set forth below. Within ninety days from the date of  receipt  of  such  notice,  the public health and health planning council may bar any  transaction under this  subparagraph  if  the  equity  position  of  the  partnership  or limited liability company, determined in accordance with  generally accepted accounting principles, would be reduced as  a  result  of the transfer, assignment or disposition. The public health and health  planning   council   shall   state  specific  reasons  for  barring  any  transaction under this subparagraph and shall so notify  each  party  to  the proposed transaction.    (c)  Any  transfer,  assignment or other disposition of ten percent or  more of the stock or voting rights thereunder of a corporation which  is  the  operator  of a hospital or which is a member of a limited liability  company which is the operator of a hospital to a new stockholder, or any  transfer, assignment or other disposition of the stock or voting  rights  thereunder  of  such  a  corporation  which  results in the ownership or  control of  more  than  ten  percent  of  the  stock  or  voting  rights  thereunder  of such corporation by any person not previously approved by  the public health and health planning council, or its  predecessor,  for  that  corporation  shall be subject to approval by the public health and  health  planning  council,  in  accordance  with   the   provisions   of  subdivisions  two  and  three  of this section and rules and regulations  pursuant thereto; except that: any such transaction shall be subject  to  the  approval  by  the  public  health  and  health  planning council in  accordance with paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section  only  with  respect  to  a new stockholder or a new principal stockholder; and  shall not be subject to paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  three  of  this  section.  In  the absence of such approval, the operating certificate of  such hospital shall be subject to revocation  or  suspension.  No  prior  approval  of  the  public  health  and  health planning council shall be  required with respect to a transfer, assignment or  disposition  of  ten  percent  or  more  of  the  stock  or  voting  rights  thereunder  of  acorporation which is the operator of a hospital or which is a member  of  a  limited  liability  company  which  is the owner of a hospital to any  person previously approved by the  public  health  and  health  planning  council,  or  its  predecessor,  for  that corporation. However, no such  transaction shall be effective unless at least ninety days prior to  the  intended  effective  date  thereof,  the stockholder completes and files  with the public health and health planning council notice on forms to be  developed by the public health and health planning council, which  shall  disclose  such information as may reasonably be necessary for the public  health and health planning council to determine whether  it  should  bar  the  transaction.  Such  transaction  will  be  final as of the intended  effective date unless, prior  thereto,  the  public  health  and  health  planning   council   shall  state  specific  reasons  for  barring  such  transactions under this paragraph and shall notify  each  party  to  the  proposed  transaction.  Nothing  in this paragraph shall be construed as  permitting a person not previously approved by  the  public  health  and  health  planning council for that corporation to become the owner of ten  percent or more of the stock of a corporation which is the operator of a  hospital or which is a member of a limited liability  company  which  is  the  owner  of  a  hospital  without first obtaining the approval of the  public health and health planning council.    (d) No hospital shall be approved for  establishment  which  would  be  operated  by  a  limited  partnership,  or  by  a partnership any of the  members of which are not natural persons.    (e) No hospital shall be approved for  establishment  which  would  be  operated  by a corporation any of the stock of which is owned by another  corporation or a limited liability  company  if  any  of  its  corporate  members' stock is owned by another corporation.    (f)  No  corporation  shall be a member of a limited liability company  authorized to operate a  hospital  unless  its  proposed  incorporators,  directors,  stockholders  or  principal  stockholders  shall  have  been  approved in accordance with the provisions of subdivision three of  this  section  applicable  to  the  approval  of  the  proposed incorporators,  directors or stockholders of any other  corporation  requiring  approval  for establishment.    (g)  A  natural person appointed as trustee of an express testamentary  trust, created by a deceased sole proprietor, partner or shareholder  in  the  operation  of  a  hospital for the benefit of a person of less than  twenty-five years of  age,  may,  as  the  trustee,  apply  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of this section for approval to operate or participate  in the operation of a facility or interest therein which is included  in  the corpus of such trust until such time as all beneficiaries attain the  age  of  twenty-five,  unless  the trust instrument provides for earlier  termination, or such beneficiaries  receive  establishment  approval  in  their  own right, or until a transfer of the trust corpus is approved by  the public health and health planning council, in accordance  with  this  subdivision  and  subdivisions  two and three of this section, whichever  first occurs. The public health and health planning  council  shall  not  approve any such application unless it is satisfied as to:    (i)  the  character,  competence and standing in the community of each  proposed trustee operator pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of  subdivision three of this section; and    (ii) the  ability  of  the  trustee  under  the  terms  of  the  trust  instrument to operate or participate in the operation of the hospital in  a  manner  consistent  with  this  chapter  and  regulations promulgated  pursuant thereto.    (h)  A  natural  person  appointed  conservator  pursuant  to  article  eighty-one  of  the  mental  hygiene  law, or a natural person appointedcommittee  of  the  property  of  an  incompetent  pursuant  to  article  eighty-one  of  the  mental hygiene law or a sole proprietor, partner or  shareholder of a hospital, may apply pursuant to subdivision two of this  section  for  approval to operate a hospital owned by the conservatee or  incompetent for a period not exceeding two years or until a transfer  of  the  hospital  is  approved  by  the  public  health and health planning  council in accordance with subdivisions two and three of  this  section,  whichever  occurs  first.  The public health and health planning council  shall not approve any such application unless it is satisfied as to:    (i) the character, competence and standing in  the  community  of  the  proposed  conservator  operator  or  committee  operator pursuant to the  provisions of paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section; and    (ii) the ability of the conservator or committee under  the  terms  of  the court order to operate the hospital in a manner consistent with this  chapter and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.    5.  Except  as  otherwise hereinafter provided, no county, city, town,  village or other governmental subdivision shall establish or create  any  agency  concerned  with  the establishment of any hospital as defined in  this article without securing the written approval of the public  health  and  health  planning  council  in  accordance with the requirements and  procedures of subdivisions two and three of this section with respect to  certificates   of   incorporation,   articles   of   organization    and  establishment,  except  that  the  requirements relating to the proposed  incorporators, directors and sponsors shall  not  apply.  The  preceding  shall  not apply to the establishment of state hospitals by the state of  New York or to the establishment of municipal hospitals by the  city  of  New York.    6. No corporation having power to solicit contributions for charitable  purposes  shall be deemed to have authority to solicit contributions for  any purpose for which the approval  of  the  public  health  and  health  planning  council  is  required, unless the certificate of incorporation  specifically makes provision therefor, and the written approval  of  the  public  health  and  health  planning  council,  or  its  predecessor is  endorsed on or annexed to such certificate.    7. Where such approval has not been obtained  the  public  health  and  health  planning  council  may  institute  and maintain an action in the  supreme court  through  the  attorney  general  to  procure  a  judgment  dissolving and vacating or annulling the certificate of incorporation of    (a) any such corporation, or    (b)  any  corporation  hereafter  incorporated,  the  name,  purposes,  objects or the activities of which in any manner may lead to the  belief  that the corporation possesses or may exercise any of such purposes.    8. No corporation heretofore formed, having among its powers the power  to  solicit  contributions  for  charitable  purposes,  may  solicit  or  continue to solicit contributions for a purpose for which  the  approval  of the public health and health planning council is required without the  written  approval  of  the  public  health  and health planning council,  except: (a) a corporation which, prior to June first,  nineteen  hundred  seventy,  had received the approval of the state board of social welfare  of a certificate of  incorporation  containing  such  power;  or  (b)  a  corporation,  which  prior  to  December  first,  two  thousand ten, had  received the approval of the public health council of a  certificate  of  incorporation  containing  such  power. If such approval is not obtained  and the corporation continues to solicit or to receive contributions for  such purpose or advertises that  it  has  obtained  such  approval,  the  public  health and health planning council may institute and maintain an  action in the supreme court through the attorney general  to  procure  ajudgment  dissolving  and  vacating  or  annulling  the  certificate  of  incorporation of any such corporation.    9.  Only  a natural person, a partnership or limited liability company  may hereafter undertake to  engage  in  the  business  of  operating  or  conducting  a  hospital,  as defined in this article, for profit, except  that: (a) a person, partnership  or  corporation  which  owned  and  was  operating  a  hospital  on April fourth, nineteen hundred fifty-six, may  continue to own and operate such hospital; (b)  a  business  corporation  may,  with  the approval of the public health council, and in accordance  with the provisions of subdivisions  two  and  three  of  this  section,  undertake  to  engage  in  the  business  of  operating  or conducting a  hospital, as defined in this article  for  profit,  provided  that  such  corporation  shall  not  discriminate  because  of  race,  color, creed,  national origin or sponsor in admission or retention of patients; (c)  a  business  corporation  owning  and  operating  a  nursing  home  on  May  twenty-second,  nineteen  hundred   sixty-nine,   in   accordance   with  applicable  provisions  of  law,  may  continue  to own and operate such  nursing home; (d) a person who, or a partnership which, is  operating  a  private   proprietary   nursing   home  in  accordance  with  applicable  provisions of law may, with the approval of the public health and health  planning council, and in accordance with the provisions  of  subdivision  three  of  this  section and any rules and regulations thereunder form a  business  corporation  to  engage  in  the  business  of  operating   or  conducting  such  nursing home, provided, however, that such corporation  shall not discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin or  sponsor  in  admission  or  retention  of  patients;  (e)   a   business  corporation  operating a nursing home, which corporation was formed with  the approval of the state board of social welfare, may continue  to  own  and operate such nursing home.    10.  (a)  The public health and health planning council, by a majority  vote of its members, shall adopt and amend  rules  and  regulations,  to  effectuate  the  provisions and purposes of this section, and to provide  for  the  revocation,  limitation   or   annulment   of   approvals   of  establishment.    (b)  (i)  No  approval  of  establishment shall be revoked, limited or  annulled without first offering the person who  received  such  approval  the  opportunity  of requesting a public hearing. (ii) The commissioner,  at the request of the public health and health planning  council,  shall  fix a time and place for any such hearing requested. (iii) Notice of the  time  and  place  of  the hearing shall be served in person or mailed by  registered mail to the person who has received establishment approval at  least twenty-one days before the date fixed for the hearing.  (iv)  Such  person shall file with the department, not less than eight days prior to  the  hearing,  a  written  answer.  (v)  All  orders  or  determinations  hereunder  shall  be  subject  to  review   as   provided   in   article  seventy-eight  of the civil practice law and rules. Application for such  review must be made within sixty days after  service  in  person  or  by  registered mail of a copy of such order or determination.    11.  Any  person  filing  a  proposed  certificate  of  incorporation,  articles of organization  or  an  application  for  establishment  of  a  residential  health  care facility for approval of the public health and  health  planning  council  shall  file  with   the   commissioner   such  information  on the ownership of the property interests in such facility