2803-I - General hospital inpatient discharge review program.

§  2803-i.  General  hospital inpatient discharge review program. 1. A  general hospital inpatient discharge review program  applicable  to  all  patients  other  than beneficiaries of title XVIII of the federal social  security act (medicare) shall be established  in  accordance  with  this  section. No general hospital inpatient subject to the provisions of this  section  may  be discharged on the basis that inpatient hospital service  in a general hospital is no  longer  medically  necessary  and  that  an  appropriate  discharge plan has been established unless a written notice  of such determinations and a  copy  of  the  discharge  plan  have  been  provided  to the patient or the appointed personal representative of the  patient. The patient or the appointed  personal  representative  of  the  patient  shall have the opportunity to sign the notice and a copy of the  discharge plan and receive  a  copy  of  both  signed  documents.  Every  general hospital shall use a common notice developed and disseminated in  accordance  with  rules  and  regulations  adopted  by  the  council and  approved by the commissioner which shall indicate that the patient is to  be discharged, shall state the reasons therefor and shall state that the  patient may request a review of such determinations. The patient, or the  appointed personal representative of the patient may request a review of  such determinations by the appropriate independent  professional  review  agent  (or  "review  agent") in accordance with subdivision four of this  section. Notwithstanding  that  the  patient  discharge  review  process  provided  in  accordance  with federal law and regulation shall apply to  beneficiaries  of  title  XVIII  of  the  federal  social  security  act  (medicare),  a  written copy of the discharge plan, and discharge notice  shall  be  provided  to  the  beneficiary  or  the  appointed   personal  representative  of  the  beneficiary.  The  beneficiary or the appointed  personal representative of the beneficiary shall have the opportunity to  sign the documents and receive a copy of the signed documents.    2. (a) For  patients  eligible  for  payments  by  state  governmental  agencies  for  general  hospital  inpatient  services  as  the patient's  primary payor, an independent professional review agent shall  mean  the  commissioner  or  his designee. In conducting general hospital inpatient  discharge reviews in accordance with this section, the commissioner  may  utilize  the  services  of  department  personnel  or  other  authorized  representatives, including a review agent approved  in  accordance  with  paragraph (b) of this subdivision.    (b)  For  patients  who  are  not  beneficiaries of title XVIII of the  federal social security act (medicare)  nor  eligible  for  payments  by  state   governmental   agencies  as  the  patient's  primary  payor,  an  independent professional review agent shall mean a third party payor  of  hospital  services  or other corporation approved by the commissioner in  writing for purposes of conducting general hospital inpatient  discharge  reviews  in  accordance  with  this  section. For a third party payor of  hospital services or other corporation to be approved as an  independent  professional  review agent in accordance with this paragraph, such third  party payor or other corporation must meet the following  criteria:  (i)  the  review  agent  shall  employ  or  otherwise  secure the services of  adequate medical personnel  qualified  to  determine  the  necessity  of  continued   inpatient  hospital  services  and  the  appropriateness  of  hospital discharge plans; (ii) the review agent  shall  demonstrate  the  ability  to  render  review  decisions in a timely manner as provided in  this section; (iii) the review agent shall agree to provide ready access  by the commissioner to all data, records and information it collects and  maintains concerning its review activities under this section; (iv)  the  review  agent  shall  agree  to  provide  to the commissioner such data,  information and reports as  the  commissioner  determines  necessary  to  evaluate  the  review process provided pursuant to this section; (v) thereview agent shall provide assurances that review  personnel  shall  not  have  a  conflict  of  interest  in  conducting a discharge review for a  patient based on hospital or  professional  affiliation;  and  (vi)  the  review  agent  meets  such  other  performance  and  efficiency criteria  regarding the conduct of reviews pursuant to this section established by  the  commissioner.  The  commissioner  may  withdraw  approval   of   an  independent  professional  review agent where such review agent fails to  continue  to  meet  approval  criteria  established  pursuant  to   this  paragraph.    (c)  (i)  Each general hospital shall enter into contracts with one or  more independent professional review agents approved by the commissioner  in accordance with paragraph (b) of this  subdivision  for  purposes  of  conducting  general  hospital  inpatient discharge reviews in accordance  with this section for patients, including uncompensated  care  patients,  who  are not beneficiaries of title XVIII of the federal social security  act (medicare) nor eligible for payments by state governmental  agencies  as  the  patients' primary payor; provided, however, a payor of hospital  service included in the payor categories specified in paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision one of section twenty-eight hundred seven-c of this article,  other  than  state governmental agencies, may designate the review agent  for their subscribers or beneficiaries or  enrolled  members  and  shall  reimburse such designated review agent for costs of the discharge review  program.    (ii)  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision  of  law,  general  hospital contract costs incurred in accordance with subparagraph (i)  of  this  paragraph  may  be  included  as  an additional charge for general  hospital inpatient services in determining patient  charges  for  payors  included   in  the  payor  categories  specified  in  paragraph  (c)  of  subdivision one of section twenty-eight hundred seven-c of this article,  or as a charge in addition to rates  of  payment  for  general  hospital  inpatient services in determining payment due for payors included in the  payor  categories  specified  in  paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision one of  section twenty-eight hundred seven-c of this article, or  paragraph  (a)  of such subdivision one if a payor has not designated a review agent for  such  payor's  subscribers  or  beneficiaries  or  enrolled  members, or  paragraph (a) or (b) of subdivision two of section twenty-eight  hundred  seven-c of this article. Such additional charges shall not be subject to  maximum charge or rate of payment ceilings determined in accordance with  section twenty-eight hundred seven-c of this article for such payors.    3.  (a)  If  a general hospital and the attending physician agree that  inpatient hospital service in a general hospital is no longer  medically  necessary  for a patient, other than a beneficiary of title XVIII of the  federal social security act (medicare),  and  an  appropriate  discharge  plan  has  been  established for such patient, at that time the hospital  shall provide the patient or the appointed  personal  representative  of  the  patient with a written discharge notice and a copy of the discharge  plan, meeting the requirements of subdivision one of this section.    (b) If a general  hospital  has  determined  that  inpatient  hospital  service  in  a  general  hospital is no longer medically necessary for a  patient, other than a beneficiary of title XVIII of the  federal  social  security  act  (medicare),  and  an  appropriate discharge plan has been  established for such patient but the attending physician has not  agreed  with   the  hospital's  determinations,  the  hospital  may  request  by  telephone a review of the validity of the hospital's  determinations  by  the appropriate independent professional review agent. Such review agent  shall conduct a review of the hospital's determinations and prior to the  conclusion  of  the  review shall provide an opportunity to the treating  physician and an appropriate representative of the  hospital  to  conferand provide information which may include the patient's clinical records  if  requested  by  the  review agent. Such review agent shall notify the  hospital of the results of its review not later  than  one  working  day  after  the  date  the review agent has received the request, the records  required to conduct such review, and the date  of  such  conferring  and  receipt  of  any  additional  information  requested. The hospital shall  provide notice to the attending physician of the results of the  review.  If  the  review  agent  concurs  with the hospital's determinations, the  hospital  shall  provide  the  patient   or   his   appointed   personal  representative  with  a written notice of such determinations and notice  that the patient shall be financially responsible  for  continued  stay,  and  with  a  copy  of  the  proposed discharge plan. The patient or the  appointed  personal  representative  of  the  patient  shall  have   the  opportunity to sign the notice and a copy of the proposed discharge plan  and  receive  a  copy  of both signed documents.  Every general hospital  shall use a common notice developed and disseminated in accordance  with  rules  and  regulations  adopted  by  the  council  and  approved by the  commissioner which shall indicate the determinations made,  shall  state  the  reasons  therefor  and  that  the patient's attending physician has  disagreed and shall state that the patient  or  the  appointed  personal  representative   of   the   patient   may   request  a  review  of  such  determinations by the appropriate review agent.    4. A  patient  in  a  general  hospital,  or  the  appointed  personal  representative  of  the  patient,  who  receives  a  written  notice  in  accordance with paragraph (a)  or  (b)  of  subdivision  three  of  this  section,  may  request  a  review by the appropriate review agent of the  determinations set forth in such notice related to medical necessity  of  continued   inpatient  hospital  service,  the  appropriateness  of  the  discharge plan and the availability of required continuing  health  care  services.    (a)  If  a  patient  while  still  hospitalized  or while no longer an  inpatient, or the appointed personal  representative  of  such  patient,  requests  a  review  by the appropriate review agent, the hospital shall  promptly provide to the review agent the records required to review  the  determinations.  Such request for a patient no longer an inpatient shall  take place no later than thirty days after receipt of a notice  provided  in accordance with subdivision three of this section or seven days after  receipt  of  a  complete  bill  for  all  inpatient  services  rendered,  whichever is later. The review agent shall  conduct  a  review  of  such  determinations   and   shall  provide  the  treating  physician  and  an  appropriate representative of the hospital with an opportunity to confer  and provide information prior to  the  conclusion  of  the  review.  The  review  agent  shall  provide  written  notice  to  the  patient, or the  appointed personal representative of the patient, and  the  hospital  of  the  results  of  the review within three working days of receipt of the  requests  for  review  and  the   records   required   to   review   the  determinations.  The  hospital  shall  provide  notice  to the attending  physician of the results of the review.    (b)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  paragraph   (a)   of   this  subdivision,  if  a  patient  while  still  an  inpatient in the general  hospital, or the  appointed  personal  representative  of  the  patient,  requests a review by the appropriate review agent not later than noon of  the  first  working  day  after  the  date the patient, or the appointed  personal representative of the patient, receives the written notice, the  hospital shall provide to  the  appropriate  review  agent  the  records  required  to  review the determinations by the close of business of such  working day. The appropriate review agent shall conduct a review of such  determinations and  provide  written  notice  to  the  patient,  or  theappointed  personal  representative  of the patient, and the hospital of  the results of the review not later than one full working day after  the  date  the  review  agent  has  received  the request for review and such  records. The hospital shall provide notice to the attending physician of  the results of the review.    5.   Notwithstanding   any  inconsistent  provision  of  law,  if  the  appropriate  review  agent,  upon  any  review  conducted  pursuant   to  paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision three or pursuant to subdivision four of  this section does not concur in the determinations, continued stay in  a  general  hospital  shall  be  deemed  necessary  and appropriate for the  patient for purposes of payment for such continued  stay  in  accordance  with section twenty-eight hundred seven-c of this article.    6.  If  a patient eligible for payment for inpatient hospital services  under a case based payment per discharge determined in  accordance  with  section  twenty-eight  hundred seven-c of this article, or the appointed  personal representative  of  the  patient,  requests  a  review  by  the  appropriate review agent in accordance with paragraph (b) of subdivision  four of this section, the hospital may not demand or request any payment  for  additional  inpatient  hospital  services  provided to such patient  subsequent to the proposed time of discharge and prior to  noon  of  the  day  after the date the patient or the appointed personal representative  of the patient receives notice of the  results  of  the  review  by  the  review  agent  other  than payment determined in accordance with section  twenty-eight  hundred  seven-c  of   this   article   and   deductibles,  copayments,  or other charges that would be authorized for a patient for  whom inpatient hospital services in a general hospital  continue  to  be  necessary and appropriate.    7.  In  any  review conducted pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision  three or pursuant to subdivision four of this section, the review  agent  shall  solicit  the  views  of  the  patient  involved, or the appointed  personal representative of the patient, and the attending physician.    8. Each patient, or  the  appointed  personal  representative  of  the  patient,  provided  a  notice  by  a general hospital in accordance with  subdivision three of this section shall be provided at such time by  the  hospital with a notice, in a form developed in accordance with rules and  regulations  adopted by the council and approved by the commissioner, of  such patient's right to request a discharge review  in  accordance  with  this  section.   The patient or the appointed personal representative of  the patient shall have the opportunity to sign this form and  receive  a  copy of the signed form.    9.  The  council  shall  adopt  rules  and regulations, subject to the  approval of the commissioner, necessary to implement this section.