2956 - Designation of upgraded diagnostic and treatment centers.

§ 2956.  Designation of upgraded diagnostic and treatment centers.  1.  A  diagnostic  and  treatment  center  established  pursuant  to article  twenty-eight of this chapter, which is a participant in or a member of a  rural health network, may request the  commissioner  to  authorize  such  diagnostic  and  treatment center to provide limited emergency services.  Such diagnostic and treatment center shall  be  designated  an  upgraded  diagnostic and treatment center upon the commissioner's approval of such  request.    2.  The commissioner shall establish guidelines for the designation of  a  diagnostic  and  treatment  center  as  an  upgraded  diagnostic  and  treatment center pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  section.    In  establishing  such guidelines, the commissioner shall solicit input from  hospitals, diagnostic and treatment centers and physicians.