373 - Certain cities; sanitary codes; violations and penalties.

§  373.  Certain  cities; sanitary codes; violations and penalties. 1.  The sanitary code of a city having a population of less than one hundred  seventy-five  thousand  may  provide  for  specific  penalties  for  any  violation thereof not exceeding one thousand dollars for each offense.    2.  Except  where  specific penalty is so provided for, any person who  violates or who fails to comply with any provision of the sanitary code,  or of any  rule,  regulation,  order  or  special  direction  duly  made  thereunder  or  authorized by this article, shall forfeit and pay to the  city a penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars  for  each  and  every  offense.    3.  All suits and proceedings authorized by this article or to recover  any penalty provided for in the sanitary code, or by this article, shall  be brought by and in the name of the city, but no fees or costs shall be  demanded or recovered from the commissioner of health or health  officer  of  the  city,  or  any  officer  thereof, in such suit or proceeding or  action.    4. Any person who shall wilfully violate, neglect or refuse to  comply  with  any  provision or requirement of this article, or of any provision  of the sanitary code of a city, or of any  rule,  regulation,  order  or  special  direction  duly  made thereunder, or authorized by this article  shall in  addition  to  the  penalty  or  penalties  therein  or  herein  prescribed also be guilty of a misdemeanor.