4214 - Cadavers; autopsy by order of hospital authorities.

§  4214.  Cadavers;  autopsy by order of hospital authorities. 1.  The  director or person having lawful control and management of any  hospital  in which a patient has died may order the performance of an autopsy upon  the body of such deceased person, after first giving notice of the death  to  the  next  of  kin  of  such  person,  unless the body is claimed or  objection is made to such autopsy by the next of kin within  forty-eight  hours  after  death,  or  within  twenty-four hours after such notice of  death. In no case shall an autopsy or dissection be performed  upon  any  body  within  forty-eight hours after death, unless a written consent or  directive therefor has been received from the person or persons  legally  entitled  to  consent  to or order such autopsy or dissection. Except as  required by law, no dissection or autopsy shall be performed on the body  of any person who is carrying an identification  card  upon  his  person  indicating his opposition to such dissection or autopsy.    2.  In the case of an unclaimed body of a deceased person, the medical  colleges, schools, institutes and universities  shall  have  a  priority  claim  to  the  said  body,  for  the purposes of medical, anatomical or  surgical science and study as provided in this article.