5 - Letters patent, form and contents; to be recorded in the office of the secretary of state.

§ 5. Letters  patent,  form and contents; to be recorded in the office  of the secretary of state.  All letters patent shall be in such form  as  the  commissioner  of  general  services  directs.  All  letters  patent  granting unappropriated state lands, as defined by this  chapter,  shall  contain  an  exception and reservation of all gold and silver mines. All  letters patent shall be recorded in a book or books to be kept for  that  purpose in the office of the department of state, and the record thereof  in  any  such book or a copy of any letters patent duly certified by the  secretary of state  to  be  a  copy  of  such  record  thereof,  whether  heretofore  or  hereafter recorded, shall be received in evidence in any  court in this state with the same force and effect as  the  original  of  such letters patent.