75-A - Appearance by a person convicted of the crime of corruption.

§  75-a.  Appearance  by  a person convicted of a crime of corruption.  Upon conviction for any of the following crimes: bribery  in  the  first  degree,  bribery  in  the  second  degree,  bribery in the third degree,  rewarding official misconduct in the first  degree,  rewarding  official  misconduct  in  the  second degree, giving unlawful gratuities, and when  any such crime is committed for  the  purpose  of  corrupting  a  public  office,  agency  or  public  official  of  the  state,  or any political  subdivision, public authority, or  public  benefit  corporation  of  the  state,  in the performance of public duty, such public office, agency or  public official of the state, or any  political  subdivision  or  public  authority  may  bar  that  person or entity convicted of such enumerated  crimes from appearing before  the  affected  public  office,  agency  or  public  official  of  the  state,  or  any such political subdivision or  public authority in any professional or  representative  capacity.  Such  bar  shall   be for a period of five years from the date of judgment for  such conviction.