77 - Unlawful fees and payments.

§ 77. Unlawful  fees  and payments. A member of the legislature or any  officer or employee of the legislature who asks or receives or  consents  or agrees to receive any emolument, gratuity or reward or any promise of  emolument,  gratuity  or reward or any money, property or thing of value  or of personal advantage, except such as may be authorized by  law,  for  doing  or omitting to do any official act, or for performing or omitting  to perform any act whatsoever directly  or  indirectly  related  to  any  matter  in respect to which any duty or discretion is by or in pursuance  of law imposed upon or vested in him, or may  be  exercised  by  him  by  virtue  of  his  office,  or  appointment  or  employment  or his actual  relation to the matter including, without limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  approving  or  promoting  the  passage  of  legislation   or  resolutions  or  the  confirmation  of  appointees,  or  the  conduct of  investigations, and a person who shall directly or indirectly  offer  or  make  such a transfer to any member of the legislature or any officer or  employee of the legislature shall be guilty of a  felony  punishable  by  imprisonment  for  not more than ten years or by a fine of not more than  five thousand dollars, or both.