88 - Access to state legislative records.

§ 88. Access  to state legislative records. 1. The temporary president  of the senate and the speaker of the assembly shall promulgate rules and  regulations  for  their  respective  houses  in  conformity   with   the  provisions of this article, pertaining to the availability, location and  nature of records, including, but not limited to:    (a) the times and places such records are available;    (b) the persons from whom such records may be obtained;    (c)  the  fees  for  copies  of  such  records, which shall not exceed  twenty-five cents per photocopy not in excess of nine inches by fourteen  inches, or the actual cost of reproducing any other record, except  when  a different fee is otherwise prescribed by law.    2.  The  state  legislature  shall,  in  accordance with its published  rules, make available for public inspection and copying:    (a) bills and amendments  thereto,  fiscal  notes,  introducers'  bill  memoranda, resolutions and amendments thereto, and index records;    (b)  messages  received  from  the  governor or the other house of the  legislature, and home rule messages;    (c) legislative notification of the proposed adoption of rules  by  an  agency;    (d) transcripts or minutes, if prepared, and journal records of public  sessions  including  meetings of committees and subcommittees and public  hearings, with the records of attendance of members thereat and  records  of any votes taken;    (e) internal or external audits and statistical or factual tabulations  of,  or  with  respect  to,  material  otherwise  available  for  public  inspection and copying pursuant to this section or any other  applicable  provision of law;    (f) administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect  members of the public;    (g) final reports and formal opinions submitted to the legislature;    (h)  final  reports  or  recommendations  and  minority  or dissenting  reports  and  opinions  of  members  of  committees,  subcommittees,  or  commissions of the legislature;    (i)  any  other files, records, papers or documents required by law to  be made available for public inspection and copying.    (j) external audits conducted pursuant to section  ninety-two  of  the  legislative  law  and  schedules  issued  pursuant to subdivision two of  section ninety of the legislative law.    3. Each house shall maintain and make available for public  inspection  and  copying:  (a) a record of votes of each member in every session and  every committee and subcommittee meeting in which the member votes;    (b) a record setting forth the name, public office address, title, and  salary of every officer or employee; and    (c) a current list, reasonably detailed,  by  subject  matter  of  any  records  required to be made available for public inspection and copying  pursuant to this section.