220 - Licenses for participants and employees at race meetings.

§  220.  Licenses  for participants and employees at race meetings. 1.  For the purpose of maintaining  a  proper  control  over  race  meetings  conducted  pursuant  to sections two hundred five and two hundred six of  this article, the state racing and wagering board shall license  owners,  which term shall be deemed to include part owners and lessees, trainers,  assistant  trainers  and  jockeys,  jockey agents, stable employees, and  such other persons as the board may by rule prescribe at  running  races  and  at  steeplechases, provided, however, that no such license shall be  required for seasonal employees hired solely to work for no longer  than  six  weeks  during  the  summer meet at Saratoga racetrack. In the event  that a proposed licensee is other than a natural person, the board shall  require by regulation disclosure of  the  names  and  addresses  of  all  owners  of  an  interest in such entity. The board may retain, employ or  appoint such officers, employees and agents, as it may deem necessary to  receive, examine and make recommendations, for the consideration of  the  board,  in  respect  of  applications for such licenses; prescribe their  duties in connection therewith,  and  fix  their  compensation  therefor  within  the  limitations prescribed by law. Each applicant for a license  shall pay to the  board  an  annual  license  fee  as  follows:  owner's  license,  if  a  renewal, fifty dollars, and if an original application,  one  hundred  dollars;  trainer's  license,  thirty  dollars;  assistant  trainer's  license,  thirty  dollars;  jockey's  license, fifty dollars;  jockey agent's license, twenty dollars; and stable  employee's  license,  five  dollars.  Each  applicant  may  apply for a two year or three year  license by payment to the board  of  the  appropriate  multiple  of  the  annual  fee.  The  board  may by rule fix the license fees to be paid by  other persons required to be licensed by the rules of the board, not  to  exceed  thirty  dollars  per  category.  The application for the license  shall be in writing in such form as the board may prescribe, and contain  such information as the board may require. The  board  shall  henceforth  cause  all  applicants for licenses to be photographed and fingerprinted  and may issue identification cards to licensees. Such fingerprints shall  be submitted to the division of criminal justice services  for  a  state  criminal  history record check, as defined in subdivision one of section  three thousand thirty-five of the education law, and may be submitted to  the federal bureau of investigation  for  a  national  criminal  history  record  check.  A  fee  equal  to  the  actual cost of issuance shall be  charged for the initial issuance of such identification cards. Each such  license unless revoked for cause shall be for the period of no more than  one, two or three years, determined by rule of the  board,  expiring  on  the  applicant's  birth  date. Licenses current on the effective date of  this provision shall not be reduced in duration by  this  provision.  An  applicant  who  applies for a license that, if issued, would take effect  less than six months prior to the applicant's birth date may, by payment  of a fifty percent higher fee, receive a license which shall not  expire  until  the applicant's second succeeding birth date. All receipts of the  board derived from the operation of this section shall  be  paid  by  it  into  the  state  treasury on or before the tenth day of each month. All  officials connected with the actual conduct of racing shall be  approved  by the board.    2.  If  the  state  racing  and  wagering  board  shall  find that the  financial responsibility, experience, character and general  fitness  of  the  applicant  are  such  that the participation of such person will be  consistent with the public interest, convenience or necessity  and  with  the  best  interests of racing generally in conformity with the purposes  of this article, it shall thereupon grant a license. If the board  shall  find  that  the applicant fails to meet any of said conditions, it shall  not grant such license and it shall notify the applicant of the denial.The board may refuse to issue or renew a license, or  may  suspend  or  revoke  a license issued pursuant to this section, if it shall find that  the applicant, or any person  who  is  a  partner,  agent,  employee  or  associate  of  the  applicant,  has  been  convicted  of  a crime in any  jurisdiction,  or  is  or  has  been  associating or consorting with any  person who has or persons who have been convicted of a crime  or  crimes  in  any  jurisdiction  or  jurisdictions or is consorting or associating  with or has consorted or associated with bookmakers, touts,  or  persons  of  similar  pursuits, or has himself engaged in similar pursuits, or is  financially irresponsible, or has been guilty of or attempted any  fraud  or  misrepresentation in connection with racing, breeding, or otherwise,  or has violated or attempted to violate any law with respect  to  racing  in  any  jurisdiction  or any rule, regulation or order of the board, or  shall have violated any rule of racing which shall have been approved or  adopted by the board, or has been  guilty  of  or  engaged  in  similar,  related or like practices.    3.  No  license  shall  be  revoked unless such revocation is by board  determination upon a meeting  of  the  board.  Prior  to  revocation  or  suspension  of  license  a  licensee  shall  be entitled to a hearing on  notice except that summary suspension where emergency action is required  in accordance with subdivision three of section four hundred one of  the  state  administrative  procedure  act  may be ordered. In the conduct of  such hearing the board shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence  but all evidence offered before the board shall be reduced  to  writing,  and  such  evidence together with the exhibits, if any, and the findings  of the board, shall be permanently preserved and  shall  constitute  the  record  of  the board in such case. Such hearing may be presided over by  the chairman of the board or by any member or by an officer of the board  designated by the chairman in writing to act as hearing officer and such  person or persons may issue subpoenas for witnesses and administer oaths  to witnesses. The hearing officer, at  the  conclusion  of  the  hearing  shall  make findings which, if concurred in by two members of the board,  shall become the findings of the board.  The  action  of  the  board  in  refusing, suspending or in revoking a license shall be reviewable in the  supreme  court  in  the  manner  provided  by  the provisions of article  seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules.    4. Within one year from the date of payment and upon the audit of  the  state  comptroller,  monies may be refunded for any fee paid pursuant to  this section for which no license is issued or refund  that  portion  of  the payment that is in excess of the amount prescribed by this section.