65 - Corporate meetings.

§  65.  Corporate meetings.   1. In every incorporated church to which  this article applies and in which  the  trustees  thereof  as  such  are  elective,  there  shall be held an annual corporate meeting. Such annual  corporate meeting of every incorporated church to which this article  is  applicable  shall be held at the time and place fixed by or in pursuance  of law therefor, if such time and place be so fixed, and otherwise at  a  time  and  place  to be fixed by its trustees and in accordance with the  constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).    2. A special corporate meeting of any such church  may  be  called  by  trustees  thereof  on  their  own  motion,  and must be so called on the  written request of at least ten qualified voters of such church,  or  on  the  request  of  the  session  thereof,  and shall be called and notice  thereof given in the same manner as for an annual corporate meeting.    3. The trustees shall cause notice  of  the  time  and  place  of  its  corporate  meetings  to  be given at a regular meeting of the church for  public worship, at morning service, if such service be held, on each  of  the  two  successive  Sundays  next  preceding  such  meeting, if public  worship be had thereon, or otherwise on each of two days, at  least  one  week apart, next preceding such meeting; or if no such public worship be  held  during  such  period,  by  conspicuously  posting  such notice, in  writing, upon the outer entrance to the principal place  of  worship  of  such  church.  Such notice shall be given by the minister of the church,  if there be one, or by the officiating minister  thereof,  if  there  be  one,  or  by  any officer of such church. If such notice be of an annual  corporate meeting it shall specify  the  names  of  the  trustees  whose  successors  are  to  be  elected thereat; if such notice be of a special  corporate meeting, it  shall  specify  the  particular  business  to  be  transacted  thereat,  and  no other business shall be transacted at such  special corporate meeting.    4. Whenever in any  such  incorporated  church,  by  virtue  of  their  offices, any of the spiritual officers thereof are the trustees thereof,  they  may  in  their  discretion call special corporate meetings of such  incorporated church; and in such case such meetings shall be  called  by  the  same  notice  published  or  posted  in  the  same manner as herein  provided for the notice of such a meeting by  the  trustees  of  such  a  church  elected  as such; and in each such case such notice must specify  the particular business to be transacted at such meeting, and  no  other  business shall be transacted at such special corporate meeting.