1765 - Distribution of proceeds to guardian of infant, committee of incompetent or conservator of conservatee.

§  1765.  Distribution of proceeds to guardian of infant, committee of  incompetent or conservator of conservatee.  1.  Proceeds  or  income  of  proceeds  invested  as  provided in subdivision 3 of section 1761 may be  paid on order of court on such undertaking as it may require.    2. If the proceeds do not exceed one thousand dollars, the  court  may  direct  that  the same be paid to the father or mother of the infant, or  to some competent person with whom the infant resides, or who  has  some  interest in his welfare, for the use and benefit of such infant.    3.  In the case of an infant residing without the state, and having in  the state or country where he resides a general guardian or person  duly  appointed  under  the  laws of such state or country to the control, and  entitled by the laws of such state or country to  the  custody,  of  the  money  of  said infant, the court, upon satisfactory proof of such facts  and of the sufficiency of the security given by such general guardian or  person in such state or country, by the certificate  of  a  judge  of  a  court  of record of such state or country, or otherwise, may direct that  the portion of such infant arising upon a sale pursuant to this  article  shall be paid over to such general guardian or person.