778 - Appointment of administrator.

§  778.  Appointment  of administrator. 1. The court is authorized and  empowered, in implementation of a judgment rendered pursuant to  section  seven  hundred  seventy-six  or  seven  hundred  seventy-seven  of  this  article, to appoint a person  other  than  the  owner,  a  mortgagee  or  lienor,  to receive and administer the rent moneys or security deposited  with him subject to the court's direction. The  court  may  appoint  the  commissioner  of  the  department  of  the city of New York charged with  enforcement of the housing maintenance code of such city or his designee  as such administrator, provided that he shall consent,  in  writing,  to  such  appointment.  Any  administrator  is  authorized  and empowered in  accordance with the direction of  the  court,  to  order  the  necessary  materials,  labor  and  services  to  remove  or  remedy  the conditions  specified in the judgment, and to make disbursements in payment thereof;  and to demand, collect and receive the rents from the  tenants;  and  to  institute all necessary legal proceedings including, but not limited to,  summary  proceedings  for  the  removal of any tenant or tenants; and to  rent or lease for terms not exceeding  three  years  any  part  of  said  premises,  however,  the  court  may direct the administrator to rent or  lease commercial parts of said premises for terms  that  the  court  may  approve.  In addition, such administrator is authorized and empowered in  accordance with the direction of the court  to  accept  and  repay  such  moneys  as  may be received from the department charged with enforcement  of the housing maintenance code of the city of New York for the  purpose  of  replacing  or  substantially  rehabilitating systems or making other  repairs or capital improvements authorized  by  the  court.  All  moneys  expended  by the department pursuant to the foregoing shall constitute a  debt recoverable from the owner and a lien upon the  building  and  lot,  and upon the rents and other income thereof. Such lien shall be enforced  in accordance with the provisions of article eight of subchapter five of  the   housing   maintenance   code   of  the  city  of  New  York.  Such  administrator, shall, upon completion of the  work  prescribed  in  such  judgment,  file  with  the  court  a full accounting of all receipts and  expenditures for such work. Such  administrator  shall  dispose  of  the  rents  and  other  monies  deposited with him according to the following  order of priority:    (a) Payment in full for all of the work  specified  in  the  judgment.  Until  all  of the work specified in the judgment has been completed and  payment for such work has been made, no  other  disbursements  shall  be  permitted,  except  for  fuel  bills,  fire and liability insurance, and  bills for ordinary repairs and maintenance.    (b)  Payment  of  a  reasonable  amount  for  the  services  of   such  administrator.    (c) Payment of outstanding real property tax liens claimed by the city  of New York.    (d)  Payment  of outstanding emergency repair liens filed and recorded  by the city of New York and outstanding liens filed and recorded by  the  city pursuant to this section.    (e)  Payment  to  the owner of any surplus remaining after payments of  paragraphs (a) through (d) of this subdivision have been made.    2. Unless the administrator is the city of New  York,  the  court  may  allow  from  the  rent moneys or security on deposit a reasonable amount  for services of such administrator.    3.  Unless  such  administrator  is  the  city  of   New   York,   the  administrator  so appointed shall furnish a bond, the amount and form of  which shall be approved by the court. In its  discretion  and  for  good  cause  shown,  the court may dispense with the necessity for a bond. The  cost of a required bond shall be paid from the moneys so deposited.4.  Such  administrator  shall  file  a  transcript  of  the  judgment  appointing  him  with  the  county  clerk  within  fifteen  days  of his  appointment.    5.  The  duties  of  such  administrator  shall not be affected by the  appointment of a receiver in an action to foreclose a  mortgage  on  the  premises,  except  that  the rights of the owner, including the right to  any surplus, pursuant to  paragraph  (e)  of  subdivision  one  of  this  section,  shall  pass  to the receiver. The court in which the action to  foreclose a mortgage  on  the  premises  is  pending  may  appoint  such  administrator  to  serve  as  receiver in that action in addition to his  duties as administrator pursuant to this article.    6. Such administrator shall be liable only in  his  official  capacity  for  injury  to  persons  and  property  by  reason of conditions of the  premises in a case where an owner would have been liable; he  shall  not  have any liability in his personal capacity.    7.  No city or county specified in section seven hundred sixty-nine of  this article shall be liable to any party, including such  administrator  or  the owner, for injury to persons or property by reason of conditions  of the premises or the acts or omissions of such  administrator,  except  that  when  the  city  of New York is appointed administrator, liability  shall be determined in accordance with subdivision six of this section.    8. The commissioner of the department of the city of New York  charged  with  the enforcement of the housing maintenance code of such city shall  promulgate rules and regulations regarding criteria for the selection of  administrators to be  appointed  pursuant  to  this  section  and  shall  establish  and  maintain  a list of persons approved by such department.  Unless the administrator is the city of New York, any  person  appointed  as  an  administrator  within such city shall be selected from among the  persons approved as administrators pursuant to such list.    9. Such administrator shall, within thirty days of  appointment,  file  with  the  court  a plan for the provision of essential services and for  the correction of such other hazardous conditions as may  exist  at  the  premises,  specifying dates by which such services shall be provided and  such conditions corrected. If such  administrator  cannot  provide  such  services and correct such conditions by the dates specified in the plan,  he  shall  be  required  to file with the court an amendment to the plan  setting forth the reasons why such services and corrections could not be  provided by such date and specifying new dates  for  such  services  and  corrections. Such plan and any amendments to such plan shall be provided  to  the  tenants  by mail or by posting in a common area of the building  and to the owner of record by mail.    * 10. (a) Where  a  building  for  which  an  administrator  has  been  appointed  pursuant to this section is transferred to a new owner at any  time following the appointment of such  administrator,  whether  or  not  such  building  remains  subject  to  such administrator, the department  charged with enforcement of the housing maintenance code of the city  of  New York may enter into a regulatory agreement with such new owner. Such  regulatory  agreement  may  impose  such  terms  and conditions upon the  operation and repair of such building as such department may  determine.  Notwithstanding  any general, special or local law to the contrary, such  regulatory agreement may provide that, upon transfer of such building to  the new owner, any outstanding liens filed with and recorded by the city  pursuant to this section or pursuant to section three  hundred  nine  of  the multiple dwelling law shall immediately be reduced to zero, provided  that  such regulatory agreement shall require, in consideration for such  reduction to zero, the provision of adequate, safe and sanitary  housing  accommodations  for  persons of low income for a period of not less than  thirty years. Any regulatory  agreement  pursuant  to  this  subdivisionshall include a certification by the new owner of the real property that  (i)  the  prior  owner  has  no direct or indirect interest in such real  property, and (ii) the prior owner has no direct or indirect interest in  such new owner.    (b)  On or about June thirtieth, two thousand nine and for every three  years thereafter for as long as the program continues to be  in  effect,  the  city shall submit a report to the governor, the temporary president  of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, the minority leader  of  the  senate  and  the  minority leader of the assembly. Each report following  the initial report shall describe the  program  activities  carried  out  during the three prior calendar years pursuant to this subdivision.    * NB Repealed June 30, 2012