963 - Payment of proceeds out of court where there are liens.

§  963.  Payment  of  proceeds out of court where there are liens.  1.  Where the proceeds of a sale are paid into court, in a case specified in  section 962, the party may apply to the court  for  an  order  directing  that the money, or such part as he claims, be paid to him, and the court  shall  make  such  an  order  as  justice  requires.  The party shall by  affidavit show the amount actually due on each incumbrance, and the name  and residence of the owner of the incumbrance, as far as they are  known  or  can  be  ascertained  with  due  diligence, and showing service of a  notice of the application on each owner of an  incumbrance.  Service  of  the  notice  within the state shall be personal, or by leaving it at the  owner's residence with some person of suitable age  and  discretion,  at  least  fourteen  days  previous  to the application. Service without the  state, if personal, shall be made at least twenty days previous  to  the  application.  If the owner of the incumbrance resides without the state,  and the place  of  his  abode  cannot  be  ascertained  with  reasonable  diligence,  notice  may  be  served  on  him  by  publishing  it in such  newspaper or newspapers as the court may direct, once in each  week  for  the four weeks immediately preceding the application.    2.  When  the  whole amount of the unsatisfied liens upon an undivided  share has been ascertained, the court shall order  the  portion  of  the  money  so  paid  into  court  on account of that share to be distributed  among the creditors having the liens, according to the priority of  each  of  them. Where the incumbrancer is not a party to the action, the clerk  or other officer by whom a lien is paid off shall  procure  satisfaction  to  be  acknowledged  or proved, as required by law, and shall cause the  incumbrance to be duly satisfied or cancelled of record. The expense  of  so  doing  shall  be  paid  out  of  the  portion  of the money in court  belonging to the party by whom the incumbrance was payable.