331 - Laws and decrees of foreign countries appointing agents and attorneys and recording of the same.

§  331.  Laws  and  decrees of foreign countries appointing agents and  attorneys and recording of the same. A  copy  of  a  law  of  a  foreign  country  or  of  a  decree  of  the  executive  power of such a country,  appointing an agent or attorney with power to execute and deliver in the  name or on behalf of such foreign country,  any  instrument  in  writing  granting,  assigning, surrendering or in any manner affecting any estate  or interest of such government in real property within  this  state,  or  assigning  or discharging any lien or claim of such government upon real  property within this state, or of a  law  or  decree  revoking  such  an  appointment,  if  in  English, or a translation into English of any such  law or decree, if the original thereof  be  in  a  language  other  than  English,  when  certified and recorded as hereinafter provided, shall be  presumptive evidence  of  the  authority  of  such  agent  or  attorney.  Certification  of such copy or translation shall be made under the great  seal of such foreign country and shall be to the effect that the same is  a true copy or translation  of  such  law  or  decree.    Such  copy  or  translation of such law or decree, when so certified, may be recorded in  the  office  of  the  clerk or register of any county of this state, and  such copy or translation when so certified and recorded, or a  certified  copy  of  the record thereof, shall be received as evidence in any court  of this state. The authority conferred under any instrument so  recorded  shall not be deemed revoked as to property situated in any county except  by  the  recording  in  such county of a copy or translation of a law or  decree to  that  effect,  duly  certified  in  the  manner  hereinbefore  provided.  Nothing  in this section shall in any way affect the right or  power of a foreign country to acquire, hold or convey real  property  in  this state, or be construed to confer any such right or power.