333 - When conveyances of real property not to be recorded.

§  333. When conveyances of real property not to be recorded. 1. After  September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, a recording officer shall  not record or accept for record any conveyance of real property executed  subsequent to said September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, unless  the residence of the purchaser and if in a city  of  over  five  hundred  thousand  inhabitants  according  to  the last federal census the street  number of the residence of the purchaser shall  be  stated  therein  and  such  residence and street number shall be recorded with the conveyance.  After May first, nineteen hundred  and  fourteen,  a  recording  officer  shall  not  record  or accept for record any conveyance of real property  executed subsequent to said first  day  of  May,  nineteen  hundred  and  fourteen,  if  in  a  city  of  over  two  hundred  thousand inhabitants  according to the last federal census, unless the street  number  of  the  residence  of  the  purchaser shall be stated therein and such residence  and street number shall  be  recorded  with  the  conveyance;  provided,  however,   that  this  section  shall  not  operate  to  invalidate  any  conveyance of real property, heretofore or hereafter executed, in  which  the  residence  or  street  number  of the purchaser shall not have been  stated, nor affect the record of any such conveyance accepted for record  and recorded, heretofore or hereafter, contrary  to  the  provisions  of  this  section,  nor  impair  any  title  founded on such a conveyance or  record. After July first,  nineteen  hundred  thirty-five,  a  recording  officer  of  the  county of Nassau shall not record or accept for record  any conveyance of real property executed subsequent to said first day of  July, nineteen hundred thirty-five,  unless  the  city  or  incorporated  village in which such real property is located be stated therein, and if  not  located  in  a  city  or incorporated village, then the township in  which located shall be stated  therein;  provided,  however,  that  this  section shall not operate to invalidate any conveyance of real property,  heretofore  or  hereafter  executed,  in  which the description fails to  designate the city or incorporated village in which the real property is  located, nor affect the record  of  any  such  conveyance  accepted  for  record  and recorded, heretofore or hereafter contrary to the provisions  of this section, nor impair any title founded on such  a  conveyance  or  record.    1-a.  After  September  first,  nineteen  hundred  forty,  a recording  officer shall not record or accept for record  any  conveyance  of  real  property  executed  subsequent  to said first day of September, nineteen  hundred forty, unless the residence of the seller and of the  purchaser,  including the street and street number of the residence if any there be,  shall be stated therein and such residences, including street and street  number if any, shall be recorded with the conveyance; provided, however,  that  the provisions of this subdivision shall not operate to invalidate  any conveyance of real property, executed subsequent to said  first  day  of  September, nineteen hundred forty, in which the residence, including  street and street number if any, of the  seller  and  of  the  purchaser  shall  not  have  been  stated,  nor  affect  the record contrary to the  provisions of this subdivision, nor impair any title founded on  such  a  conveyance or record.    1-b.  With  respect  to  instruments  executed  after September first,  nineteen hundred forty-four, the terms seller and purchaser, as used  in  this section, shall include any party to a conveyance of real property.    1-c.  With  respect  to  instruments  executed  after September first,  nineteen hundred forty-four, the term conveyance  of  real  property  as  used  in  this  section  shall  include  any  conveyance  as  defined in  subdivision three of section two hundred ninety of the real property law  and any instrument entitled to be recorded  under  section  two  hundred  ninety-four of the real property law.1-d.  After  September  first, nineteen hundred fifty-five a recording  officer shall not record or accept  for  record  any  deed  transferring  title  to real property executed subsequent to September first, nineteen  hundred fifty-five, unless the city, town and village in which such real  property  is  located  be  stated  therein; provided, however, that this  section shall not operate to invalidate any  such  deed,  heretofore  or  hereafter  executed,  in  which  the  description fails to designate the  city, town and village in which the real property is located, nor affect  the record of any such deed accepted for record and recorded, heretofore  or hereafter contrary to the provisions of this section, nor impair  any  title founded on such deed or record.    1-e.  * i.  A  recording officer shall not record or accept for record  any conveyance of real property affecting land in New York state  unless  accompanied  by  a transfer report form prescribed by the state board of  real property services and the fee prescribed  pursuant  to  subdivision  three of this section.    * NB Effective until January 1, 2011    * i.  A  recording  officer  shall not record or accept for record any  conveyance of real property affecting land  in  New  York  state  unless  accompanied  by  a transfer report form prescribed by the state board of  real property services or in lieu thereof, confirmation from  the  state  board  that  the  required  data  has  been  reported  to it pursuant to  paragraph vii of this subdivision, and the fee  prescribed  pursuant  to  subdivision three of this section.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011    ii. Such transfer report form shall contain information as required by  such board including:    (1) the mailing address of the new owner;    (2)  the  tax  billing  address, if different from the owner's mailing  address;    (3) the appropriate tax map designation, if any;    (4) a statement of the full sales price relating thereto;    (5) a statement  indicating  whether  the  parcel  is  located  in  an  agricultural  district  and, if so, whether a disclosure notice has been  provided pursuant  to  section  three  hundred  thirty-three-c  of  this  article  and  section  three  hundred ten of the agriculture and markets  law;    (6) a statement indicating whether the property described in such deed  is the entire parcel owned by the transferor or transferors;    (7) in the event the parcel conveyed by such deed is a portion of  the  parcel  owned  by  the transferor or transferors, a statement indicating  whether the city, town or village in which such property is situated has  a planning board or other entity empowered to approve subdivisions; and    (8) in the event such planning board or other entity is  empowered  to  approve subdivisions, a statement indicating whether the parcel conveyed  by such deed is (a) not subject to such subdivision approval or (b) such  subdivision  has  been  approved by the respective city, town or village  planning board or other entity empowered to approve subdivisions.    iii. Such transfer report form shall not constitute  part  of  nor  be  retained with the record of conveyance.    iv. For the purposes of this subdivision:    (1) "Tax billing address" means the address designated by the owner to  which tax bills shall be sent.    (2) "Full sales price" means the price actually paid or required to be  paid for the real property or interest therein, whether paid or required  to  be  paid  by money, property, or any other thing of value, including  the cancellation or discharge of an indebtedness or obligation, and  the  amount  of  any  lien  or  encumbrance  on the real property or interesttherein which existed before the delivery of the deed and which  remains  thereon  after  the  delivery of the deed, but excluding the fair market  value of any personal property received by the buyer.    (3)  "Qualifying  farm property" means property for which the property  classification code on the latest final assessment roll, as reported  on  the transfer report form, is in the agricultural category.    (4)  "Qualifying  residential property" means property which satisfies  at least one of the following conditions:    (a) The property classification code assigned to the property  on  the  latest  final  assessment roll, as reported on the transfer report form,  indicates that the property is a one, two or  three  family  home  or  a  rural residence, or    (b)  The  transfer report form indicates that the property is one, two  or three family residential property that has been newly constructed  on  vacant land, or    (c)  The  transfer  report  form  indicates  that  the  property  is a  residential condominium.    * v.  The  provisions  of  this  subdivision  shall  not  operate   to  invalidate  any  conveyance  of  real  property where one or more of the  items designated as subparagraphs one through eight of paragraph  ii  of  this  subdivision,  have not been reported or which has been erroneously  reported, nor affect the record  contrary  to  the  provisions  of  this  subdivision,  nor impair any title founded on such conveyance or record.  Such form shall be certified as to the accuracy of the contents  by  the  transferor  or  transferors and the transferee or transferees. Provided,  however, if the conveyance of real property occurs  as  a  result  of  a  taking   by  eminent  domain,  tax  foreclosure,  or  other  involuntary  proceeding such form may be certified only by either the condemnor,  tax  district,  or  other party to whom the property has been conveyed, or by  that party's attorney. Any deed executed and  delivered  prior  to  July  first,  nineteen hundred ninety-four may nevertheless be recorded in the  office of the county clerk providing there is submitted  therewith,  and  in  place of such form, a separate statement signed by the transferor or  transferors and the transferee  or  transferees  or  any  person  having  sufficient   knowledge  to  sign  such  form  which  contains  the  same  information required by the state board of real property services as set  forth in  subparagraphs  one  through  four  of  paragraph  ii  of  this  subdivision.    * NB Effective until January 1, 2011    * v.   The  provisions  of  this  subdivision  shall  not  operate  to  invalidate any conveyance of real property where  one  or  more  of  the  items  designated  as subparagraphs one through eight of paragraph ii of  this subdivision, have not been reported or which has  been  erroneously  reported,  nor  affect  the  record  contrary  to the provisions of this  subdivision, nor impair any title founded on such conveyance or  record.  Such  form  shall  contain  an  affirmation  as  to  the accuracy of the  contents  made  both  by  the  transferor  or  transferors  and  by  the  transferee  or transferees. Provided, however, that if the conveyance of  real property occurs as a result of a  taking  by  eminent  domain,  tax  foreclosure,  or  other  involuntary  proceeding such affirmation may be  made only by either the condemnor, tax district, or other party to  whom  the  property  has  been  conveyed,  or  by  that  party's attorney. The  affirmations required by this paragraph shall be made in  the  form  and  manner  prescribed by the state board, provided that notwithstanding any  provision of law to the contrary, affirmants may be allowed,  but  shall  not be required, to sign such affirmations electronically.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011* vi.  Any  deed  executed and delivered prior to July first, nineteen  hundred ninety-four may nevertheless be recorded in the  office  of  the  county  clerk  providing  there  is submitted therewith, and in place of  such form, a separate statement signed by the transferor or  transferors  and  the  transferee  or  transferees  or  any  person having sufficient  knowledge to sign such form which contains the same information required  by  the  state  board  of  real  property  services  as  set  forth   in  subparagraphs one through four of paragraph ii of this subdivision.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011    * vii. The state board is hereby authorized to develop and oversee the  implementation   of  a  system  to  allow  the  data  required  by  this  subdivision and section five hundred seventy-four of the  real  property  tax  law  to  be  reported  to  it  electronically,  notwithstanding any  provision of law to the contrary. The state board is further  authorized  to  adopt  any  rules  necessary  to implement such a system. Such rules  shall set forth such standards and procedures as may be needed  for  the  effective   and  efficient  administration  of  the  program,  including  standards for  providing  confirmation  to  recording  officers  of  the  reporting of required data to the state board.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011    * viii.  Upon  agreement  between  the  state  board  of real property  services and the department of taxation and  finance,  the  process  for  collecting  data  pursuant  to this subdivision and section five hundred  seventy-four of the real property tax law may be combined in whole or in  part  with  the  process  for  collecting  data  pursuant  to   articles  thirty-one, eleven, twenty-two and subsection (a) of section six hundred  sixty-three  of  the tax law in connection with the real estate transfer  tax, notwithstanding any provision of law to  the  contrary.  The  state  board  and  the  commissioner  of taxation and finance are authorized to  adopt any rules necessary to implement the provisions of this paragraph,  individually or jointly.    * NB Effective January 1, 2011    1-f. Each conveyance of real property affecting land in Suffolk county  presented to the recording officer of such county for  recording  shall,  in  addition  to complying with the requirements of subdivision one-e of  this section, contain in the body thereof or have endorsed  thereon  the  map  designation  or  designations  of  the  property  maps  of the real  property tax service agency of such county.  The  recording  officer  of  such  county  shall  not  record or accept for record, any conveyance of  real property affecting land in such county unless  said  instrument  of  conveyance  is  accompanied by a three dollar certification fee for each  parcel of real property conveyed, to defray the cost  of  verifying  the  tax  map designation prior to recording. This certification fee shall be  payable to the Suffolk county clerk and shall  be  in  addition  to  any  other  applicable  recording  fees  or  charges.  The provisions of this  subdivision shall not operate to invalidate any conveyance of such  real  property  on which the appropriate map designation or designations shall  not have been stated or which  may  have  been  erroneously  stated  nor  affect  the  record  contrary to the provisions of this subdivision, nor  impair any title founded on such conveyance or record.    2. A recording officer shall not  record  or  accept  for  record  any  conveyance  of real property, unless said conveyance in its entirety and  the certificate  of  acknowledgment  or  proof  and  the  authentication  thereof,  other  than  proper  names  therein  which  may  be in another  language provided they are written in  English  letters  or  characters,  shall be in the English language, or unless such conveyance, certificate  of   acknowledgment   or   proof,  and  the  authentication  thereof  be  accompanied by and have attached thereto a translation  in  the  Englishlanguage  duly executed and acknowledged by the person or persons making  such conveyance and proved and authenticated, if need be, in the  manner  required  of  conveyances  for  recording in this state, or, unless such  conveyance,   certificate   of   acknowledgment   or   proof,   and  the  authentication thereof be accompanied by and  have  attached  thereto  a  translation in the English language made by a person duly designated for  such  purpose  by  the county judge of the county where it is desired to  record such conveyance or a justice of the supreme  court  and  be  duly  signed,  acknowledged  and  certified  under oath or upon affirmation by  such person before such judge, to be a true and accurate translation and  contain a certification of the designation of such person by such judge.    3. The recording officer of every county and  the  city  of  New  York  shall  impose  a  fee  of two hundred fifty dollars, or in the case of a  transfer involving qualifying residential or farm property as defined by  paragraph iv of subdivision one-e of this section, a fee of one  hundred  twenty-five  dollars,  for  every  real property transfer reporting form  submitted for recording as required  under  subdivision  one-e  of  this  section.  In  the city of New York, the recording officer shall impose a  fee of one hundred dollars for each  real  property  transfer  tax  form  filed  in  accordance  with  chapter  twenty-one  of title eleven of the  administrative code of the  city  of  New  York,  except  where  a  real  property transfer reporting form is also submitted for recording for the  transfer  as  required  under  subdivision  one-e  of  this section. The  recording officer shall deduct nine dollars from such fee and remit  the  remainder  of the revenue collected to the state office of real property  services every month for deposit into the general fund. The amount  duly  deducted  by the recording officer shall be retained by the county or by  the city of New York.