1433 - Certification and collection of taxes in certain counties.

§ 1433. Certification and collection of taxes in certain counties. All  village taxes and assessments which have been or shall have been imposed  in  any such village shall be certified to said receiver of taxes by the  treasurer of the village and shall  be  collected  by  the  receiver  of  taxes,  and  any  cancellations  thereof  by  the  proper authorities in  accordance with law shall immediately  upon  any  such  cancellation  be  certified  to  said  receiver  of  taxes,  and  all  such  village taxes  remaining unpaid and uncancelled shall be collected by the said receiver  of taxes and  deposited  and  a  report  made  thereon  to  the  village  treasurer  and  whenever  required to the village board, as set forth in  section fourteen hundred thirty-one for the collection of current taxes.  In case that all taxes and assessments which shall have accrued and been  imposed in such village the said receiver of taxes is hereby authorized,  directed and empowered to collect such taxes as  hereinbefore  provided,  with interest and penalties, pursuant to the provisions of the law under  which  such  taxes  and  assessments accrued or were imposed, and in the  manner provided by law applicable to village collectors or receivers and  to village treasurers to collect such taxes or assessments at  the  time  of their imposition.