426 - Opera houses.

§  426.   Opera houses.   Real property owned by any corporation whose  certificate  of  incorporation  is  approved  by  the  commissioner   of  education  and  which  is  organized  to  sustain, encourage and promote  musical art and to educate the general public in  good  music,  provided  moneys  donated  to  such  corporation as a result of popular or general  appeal shall have been used for the  acquisition  thereof  and  provided  further  that  such real property shall be maintained for the production  of opera and for furthering the purposes for which such corporation  was  organized  by  providing  operatic  and  musical  performances and other  related educational activities, shall be exempt from taxation and exempt  from special ad valorem levies and special  assessments  to  the  extent  provided in section four hundred ninety of this article, as provided for  corporations in section four hundred twenty-a of this article although a  portion  thereof  is  leased  for  public  performances,  opera, ballet,  concerts, lectures, meetings, graduation exercises or other  educational  or  non-commercial  uses  for  the purposes of income, if such income is  necessary for and actually applied to the  maintenance  and  support  of  such corporation.