613-B - Loans to members of certain retirement systems.

§  613-b.  Loans  to members of certain retirement systems. a. For the  purposes of this section, the term "retirement board" or  "board"  shall  mean  the  head  of the retirement system as defined in subdivision f of  section six hundred one of this article.    b. A member of the New York  state  and  local  employees'  retirement  system,  the  New York city employees' retirement system or the New York  city board of education retirement system  in  active  service  who  has  credit  for at least one year of member service may borrow, no more than  once  during  each  twelve  month  period,  an  amount   not   exceeding  seventy-five percent of the total contributions made pursuant to section  six  hundred thirteen (including interest credited at the rate set forth  in subdivision  c  of  such  section  six  hundred  thirteen  compounded  annually) and not less than one thousand dollars.    c. An amount so borrowed, together with interest on any unpaid balance  thereof,  shall  be  repaid in equal installments which shall be made by  the borrower directly to the retirement board or through regular payroll  deduction. Such installments shall be in such amount as  the  retirement  board  shall approve; however, they shall be at least (a) two percent of  the member's contract salary, and (b) sufficient  to  repay  the  amount  borrowed,  together  with  interest  on unpaid balances thereof within a  period not in excess of five  years.  In  the  event  of  default,  such  retirement  board  shall be authorized to collect such payments due from  the employer of such member through payroll deduction  and  such  member  shall  forfeit  all  future  entitlement  to  borrow from the retirement  system until the unpaid balance of the loan outstanding at the  time  of  default  is  fully  paid. Such retirement board, at any time, may accept  payments on account of any loan in addition to  the  installments  fixed  for  repayment  thereof.  All  payments of principal and interest at the  lower of the rates set forth in either  subdivision  c  of  section  six  hundred  thirteen  of this article or subdivision d of this section made  by the member shall be credited to his or her account  as  principal  or  interest.  Any  additional interest paid by the member shall be credited  to the appropriate fund of the retirement system.    d. The rate of interest payable  upon  loans  made  pursuant  to  this  section  shall:  (1)  for  members  of  the  New  York  state  and local  employees' retirement syatem, be one percent  less  than  the  valuation  rate of interest adopted for such system, however, in no event shall the  rate  be  less  than  the rate set forth in subdivision c of section six  hundred thirteen of this article; (2) for members of the New  York  city  employees'  retirement  system,  be  one  percent  less than the regular  interest  rate  established  pursuant  to  subdivision  (c)  of  section  13-101.12  of  the  administrative code of the city of New York for such  system, however, in no event shall the rate be less than  the  rate  set  forth  in subdivision c of section six hundred thirteen of this article;  and (3) for members of the New York city board of  education  retirement  system,  be  one percent less than the regular interest rate established  pursuant to subparagraph four of paragraph (b) of subdivision sixteen of  section twenty-five hundred seventy-five of the education law  for  such  system,  however,  in  no event shall the rate be less than the rate set  forth in subdivision c of section six hundred thirteen of this  article.  Whenever  there is a change in the interest rate, it shall be applicable  or loans made or renegotiated after the  date  of  such  change  in  the  interest rate.    e.  A  service charge payable upon loans made pursuant to this section  shall be set by the retirement board in an amount  sufficient  to  cover  the  cost  to  the  retirement  system  of administering the loans. Such  charge shall be paid to the retirement system when the loan is  made  or  in  equal  installments  over  the  period  the loan is outstanding. Theamount of the service charge shall be credited to the  fund  from  which  administrative expenses are paid.    f.  Each  loan  made pursuant to this section shall be insured against  the death of the member in an amount equal to the  amount  of  the  loan  outstanding at any given time; with the exception that until thirty days  have  elapsed  after  the  making thereof, no part of the loans shall be  insured. Such insurance  shall  be  provided  by  the  retirement  board  through  the retirement system. Upon the death of the member, the amount  of insurance so payable shall be credited to his  or  her  account.  The  premium  payable  by  the  member for such insurance shall be set by the  retirement board at a rate not to  exceed  one  percent  of  the  amount  loaned.    Such  premium shall be prorated to July first next, or such other date  fixed by the retirement board as is appropriate, and shall  be  paid  to  the retirement system in equal installments over the period of the loan.  Thereafter, a premium not to exceed one percent per annum of the present  value  of  the  outstanding  loan  as  of  July  first,  or  such  other  appropriate date, shall be paid in the same manner each succeeding  year  until such loan is repaid or the member is retired.    The  retirement  board  shall,  at least annually, review such premium  rate, and may, in its discretion, increase or reduce the premium, modify  the terms or conditions of coverage, or  discontinue  the  insurance  of  loans.    In  no event shall this subdivision impose any obligation upon  the retirement board to continue to insure loans  of  members  upon  the  terms  and  conditions  herein  provided  or  upon  any  other  terms or  conditions.    g. Such a retirement board is authorized  to  establish  such  special  funds  as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of subdivisions e  and f of this section.    h. Whenever a member of such a retirement system, for whom a  loan  is  outstanding,  becomes entitled to the return of his or her contributions  because of withdrawal from such system or because of death,  the  amount  of  any  loan  outstanding  on  such date, including accrued interest as  provided in subdivision d of this section, shall be construed to already  have been returned to such member and the  refund  of  contributions  to  which  he  shall  then  be  entitled  shall  be  the  net amount of such  contributions together with interest thereon pursuant to  subdivision  c  of section six hundred thirteen of this article.    i.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  subdivision b of section six  hundred twelve of this article, whenever a member of such  a  retirement  system,  for  whom  a  loan  is  outstanding,  retires,  the  retirement  allowance payable without optional modification shall be  reduced  by  a  life  annuity  which  is  actuarially  equivalent  to  the amount of the  outstanding  loan  (all  outstanding  loans  shall  continue  to  accrue  interest  charges  until retirement), such life annuity being calculated  utilizing the interest rate on thirty year United States treasury  bonds  as  of  January  first  of  the  calendar  year of the effective date of  retirement and the mortality tables for options available under  section  six  hundred  ten  of  this  article.  A  retiree  of  the New York city  employees' retirement system or board of education retirement system  of  the  city  of  New  York whose benefit has been so reduced may repay the  outstanding balance of the loan at any time. Benefits payable after  the  repayment  of  the  loan shall not be subject to the actuarial reduction  required by this subdivision.    j. Such a retirement board is  authorized  to  adopt  such  rules  and  regulations  as it finds to be necessary in administering the provisions  of this section.k. Such a retirement board shall discharge any evidence of a loan to a  member pursuant to this section upon the satisfaction of the  obligation  of the member thereunder.    l. The retirement board shall have no right to bring suit in any court  against any member to enforce the amount due under this section, and the  retirement  system's  sole  remedy  upon death, retirement or withdrawal  shall be to offset the amount outstanding including  interest  from  the  member's account or other benefits payable to or on behalf of the member  as provided in this section.