110-D - Deductions for federated community campaigns.

§ 110-d. Deductions for federated community campaigns. Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  law,  the comptroller is hereby authorized to  deduct from the retirement allowance of any retired member of the  state  such amount as such retired member may specify in writing filed with the  comptroller  within  the  minimum  and maximum amounts prescribed by the  comptroller  for  contribution  to  federated  community  campaigns  for  health,  welfare,  and  recreational  purposes on behalf of such retired  member and to the account of such retired  member  with  such  federated  community  campaign.  The  comptroller is hereby authorized to make such  rules and regulations to be incorporated in the retired members  written  authorization  filed in a manner determined by the comptroller. Any such  written authorization may be withdrawn by such  retired  member  at  any  time  upon  filing  written  notice  of  such  withdrawal  in  a  manner  determined by the comptroller.  As  used  in  this  section,  "federated  community  campaign"  means  a  charitable non-profit organization which  solicits funds for distribution among a substantial number of charitable  non-profit organizations,  which  has  been  approved  as  such  by  the  commissioner  of  general services. The commissioner of general services  shall approve no more than one federated  community  campaign  within  a  county  or  group of counties in which such campaign is operating. He or  she shall not approve a federated community campaign in  any  county  or  group of counties where, in his or her opinion and judgement, the number  of  state  employees or retired members to be solicited by such campaign  is too small to make deductions  or  contributions  by  the  comptroller  practicable or feasible. The commissioner of general services shall have  power  to  make  such  reasonable rules and regulations not inconsistent  with the law, as may be  necessary  for  the  exercise  of  his  or  her  authority under this section.