482-B - Definitions.

§ 482-b. Definitions. As used in this article:    1.  "Settlement house" means an independent, voluntary, not-for-profit  organization  demonstrating  affiliation  with  the   New   York   state  association  for  settlement  houses and neighborhood centers engaged in  community work and social services delivery in a defined neighborhood in  a municipality of the state of New York  which  provides  comprehensive,  coordinated,  family-focused  multi-generational  human services such as  child care, employment training, housing  assistance  counseling,  youth  development, educational services, senior services and arts and cultural  activities,  based  on  the  needs  of the neighborhood or neighborhoods  served and which:    (a) has been incorporated for at least three years;    (b) is qualified as a  tax-exempt  organization  pursuant  to  section  501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code;    (c)  provides  services  to  all those who live in the neighborhood or  neighborhoods served without regard to race, creed, religious  practice,  color,  sex,  age,  national  origin,  economic  status,  disability, or  affectional preference;    (d) has an independent, autonomous board of directors which  meets  at  regular  intervals,  has full authority over the policies and operations  of the organization, and the  membership  of  which  includes  community  residents;    (e)  employs appropriate staff including a position of chief executive  officer;    (f) has a budget which is adopted on an annual basis by the  board  of  directors,  utilizes  an accepted accounting system, and has prepared an  annual fiscal audit by a certified public accountant not connected  with  the organization; and    (g)   can  demonstrate  that  one  of  its  primary  purposes  is  the  improvement of the relationships among  groups  of  different  cultural,  economic,  religious,  and  social  groups  in  the  community through a  variety of individual, group, and inter-group activities.    2. "Program services" may include, but are not limited to, several  of  the following services:    (a)  early childhood services, including child care, child development  services, early child education and health information and referral  for  pre-school children;    (b)  youth  services,  including  teen centers and school-age programs  which  provide  recreation,   homework   assistance,   preparation   for  employment, counseling and meals;    (c)   education  programs,  including  remedial  education,  tutoring,  homework assistance and English language training;    (d) family programs, including home  management,  homemaker  services,  parenting  skills  training,  teen  parent  services  and  programs  for  seniors;    (e) child  welfare  services  including  foster  care  and  preventive  services;    (f)  employment programs, including summer youth employment apprentice  programs, job training programs, and displaced homemaker programs;    (g)  mental  health  services,  including  psychological  and,   where  appropriate, psychiatric group and individual evaluation and counseling;    (h) housing assistance.