150 - Penalty for neglect to report or for making false report.

§  150.  Penalty for neglect to report or for making false report.  1.  Any commissioner of public welfare, deputy commissioner,  town  or  city  public  welfare officer, service officer, or any officer or employee who  shall neglect or refuse to  render  any  account,  statement  or  report  required  by or pursuant to this chapter, or who shall delay, neglect or  refuse to forward any application for  public  assistance  or  care,  or  shall  wilfully make false report or shall neglect to pay over any money  within the time required by law, shall forfeit two hundred  dollars  and  shall  be  liable to an action for all money which shall be in his hands  with the interest thereon after the time the same should have been  paid  over.    2.  Any officer, department or board, in case of failure to receive an  application for public assistance and  care,  or  a  report  or  account  required  by  this  chapter,  shall  notify the district attorney having  authority in such public welfare district.    3. The district attorney, upon receiving such notice, shall  prosecute  in the name of such officer, department or board for the recovery of the  penalty  or  of  such  money, or both. The penalty and the sum recovered  shall be deposited in the public welfare  fund  of  the  public  welfare  district or of a town or city thereof, as the case may be.