331 - Policies and purposes.

§  331.  Policies  and  purposes.  1.  It is hereby declared to be the  policy of the state that  there  be  programs  under  which  individuals  receiving  public  assistance  will  be  furnished  work  activities and  employment opportunities, and necessary  services  in  order  to  secure  unsubsidized   employment  that  will  assist  participants  to  achieve  economic independence. Such programs shall be established  and  operated  in  accordance  with the provisions of this title and in compliance with  federal and state law and regulations.    2.  A social services district may contract  or  establish  agreements  with  entities  which  comply  with  the  standards to be established in  regulations by the commissioner to provide  work  activities,  including  but  not  limited  to,  job  training  partnership  act  agencies, state  agencies, school districts, boards of cooperative educational  services,  not-for-profit  community based organizations, licensed trade schools or  registered  business  schools,  libraries,  post-secondary   educational  institutions  consistent  with  this  title, and educational opportunity  centers  and  local  employers.    A  district  shall,  to  the   extent  practicable   and   permitted   under   federal   requirements,  develop  performance based contracts or agreements  with  such  entities.    Such  standards  shall include an evaluation procedure to ensure that services  offered  by  a  provider  are  sufficient  to  enhance  substantially  a  participant's  opportunity  to  secure  unsubsidized employment or, when  coupled with or provided in conjunction with other activities, represent  part of a comprehensive approach to enabling  a  participant  to  secure  unsubsidized  employment.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section one  hundred fifty-three of this article, expenditures pursuant to  contracts  or  agreements with providers who do not meet the standards for approval  of providers  as  defined  in  regulations  will  not  be  eligible  for  reimbursement by the department.    3.  No social services district shall, in the exercising of the powers  and duties established in this title, permit discrimination on the basis  of  race,  color,  national  origin,  sex,  religion or handicap, in the  selection of participants, their  assignment  or  reassignment  to  work  activities  and  duties,  and  the  separate  use of facilities or other  treatment of participants.