335-C - Pilot programs.

§  335-c.  Pilot  programs.  From  the funds specifically appropriated  therefor the commissioner of the  office  of  temporary  and  disability  assistance  in  cooperation  with  the  commissioner  of  the  office of  children and family services may conduct pilot programs in  up  to  five  social  services  districts  to  provide  intensive employment and other  supportive services including job readiness and job  placement  services  to non-custodial parents who are unemployed or who are working less than  twenty  hours per week; who are recipients of public assistance or whose  income does not exceed two hundred percent of the federal poverty level;  and  who  have  a  child  support  order  payable  through  the  support  collection  unit  as  created  by  section  one hundred eleven-h of this  chapter or have had paternity established for his or  her  child  and  a  court proceeding has been initiated to obtain an order of child support,  and  the  custodial  or  non-custodial parent is receiving child support  services through  a  social  services  district.  Non-custodial  parents  determined  to be eligible for participation in the pilot programs shall  be informed of the opportunity to participate  in  such  programs  on  a  voluntary  basis.  The  pilot  programs  shall  have  as  one  component  parenting education for the non-custodial parents. Non-custodial parents  shall be required to attend such parenting education as a  condition  of  participating in the pilot programs.