410-U - Establishment of block grant for child care.

§  410-u.    Establishment  of  block  grant  for child care.   1. The  department shall establish a state block grant for child care  comprised  of all of the federal funds appropriated for child care under title IV-A  of  the federal social security act and under the federal child care and  development block grant act and any additional federal  funds  that  the  state  chooses  to  transfer from the federal family assistance to needy  families block grant to the child care and development block grant  plus  any  state  funds  appropriated  for  the  provision  by social services  districts of child care assistance to  families  in  receipt  of  family  assistance  and other low income families and for activities to increase  the availability and/or quality of child care programs.    2. The state block grant for child care  shall  be  divided  into  two  parts pursuant to a plan developed by the department and approved by the  director  of  the  budget.    One part shall be retained by the state to  provide child care on a  statewide  basis  to  special  groups  and  for  activities  to  increase  the  availability and/or quality of child care  programs, including, but not limited to,  the  start-up  of  child  care  programs,  the  operation  of child care resource and referral programs,  training  activities,  the  regulation  and  monitoring  of  child  care  programs,  the  development  of  computerized data systems, and consumer  education, provided however,  that  child  care  resource  and  referral  programs  funded under title five-B of article six of this chapter shall  meet additional performance standards developed  by  the  department  of  social  services  including but not limited to: increasing the number of  child care placements for persons  who  are  at  or  below  two  hundred  percent  of  the  state  income  standard  with  emphasis  on placements  supporting local efforts in meeting federal and state work participation  requirements, increasing technical assistance to all modalities of legal  child care to persons who are at or below two  hundred  percent  of  the  state  income  standard,  including  the provision of training to assist  providers in meeting child care standards  or  regulatory  requirements,  and creating new child care opportunities, and assisting social services  districts in assessing and responding to child care needs for persons at  or  below  two  hundred  percent  of  the  state  income  standard.  The  department shall  have  the  authority  to  withhold  funds  from  those  agencies  which  do not meet performance standards. Agencies whose funds  are  withheld  may  have  funds  restored  upon  achieving   performance  standards.    The  other  part  shall  be  allocated  to social services  districts to provide child care assistance to families receiving  family  assistance and to other low income families.    3.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of law, expenditures of funds  from the block grant shall be governed by this title.