410-V - Allocation of block grant funds.

§  410-v.  Allocation  of block grant funds.  1. The part of the block  that is determined to be available  to  social  services  districts  for  child  care  assistance  shall  be apportioned among the social services  districts by the department according to an allocation plan developed by  the department and  approved  by  the  director  of  the  budget.    The  allocation  plan  shall  be based, at least in part, on historical costs  and on the availability and cost  of,  and  the  need  for,  child  care  assistance  in  each social services district.  Annual allocations shall  be made on a federal fiscal year basis.    2. Reimbursement under the block grant to a social  services  district  for  its  expenditures  for child care assistance shall be available for  seventy-five percent of  the  district's  expenditures  for  child  care  assistance  provided  to  those families in receipt of public assistance  which are eligible for child care assistance under this  title  and  for  one  hundred  percent of the social services district's expenditures for  other eligible families;  provided,  however,  that  such  reimbursement  shall  be  limited  to the social services district's annual state block  grant allocation.    3. Any portion of a social services district's block grant  allocation  for  a  particular  federal  fiscal  year  that  is  not claimed by such  district during that federal fiscal year shall be added to  that  social  services  district's  block grant allocation for the next federal fiscal  year.    4.  Any claims for child care assistance made  by  a  social  services  district for services that occurred from October first, nineteen hundred  ninety-six  through  September thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety-seven,  other than claims made under title XX of  the  federal  social  security  act, shall be counted against the social services district's first block  grant allocation.