424-B - Children in the care of certain public and private agencies.

§  424-b. Children in the care of certain public and private agencies.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law,  when  a  report  of  child  abuse  or maltreatment involves a child being cared for in a home  operated or supervised by an authorized agency, the office  of  children  and  family  services, or an office of the department of mental hygiene,  such report shall be accepted and maintained by the office  of  children  and family services and shall be referred for the purposes of conducting  an  investigation to the appropriate staff within the office of children  and family services or the  appropriate  office  of  the  department  of  mental hygiene, where the child is in the care of such agency; and where  the  child  is in a home operated or supervised by an authorized agency,  to the social services district wherein such home is located. The agency  or social services district receiving such referral shall  undertake  an  appropriate  investigation  of  the report, in accordance with the terms  and conditions set forth in subdivisions one through  eight  of  section  four  hundred  twenty-four-c of this title. Any person who is alleged to  have abused or maltreated a child in  a  report  accepted  and  referred  pursuant  to  this  section  shall be accorded the procedural rights set  forth in section four hundred  twenty-two  and  in  subdivision  six  of  section  four hundred twenty-four of this title. Nothing in this section  shall impose any duty or responsibility on any child protective  service  pursuant to section four hundred twenty-two, four hundred twenty-four or  any other provision of this article.