457 - Out-of-state adoptive parents.

§   457.   Out-of-state adoptive parents.  With respect to a child who  has been adopted within this state but who has been  removed  from  this  state  by  his  adoptive  parents,  or  a  child who has been adopted by  residents of another state or of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico and who  is, or who is likely to become,  a  public  charge  within  this  state,  payments   under  section  four  hundred  fifty-three  or  four  hundred  fifty-four of this title may be made pursuant to  an  agreement  between  the  district  and the adoptive parents, provided that such agreement is  in accordance with the regulations  of  the  department  promulgated  to  achieve the objective of increasing the number of adoptions of potential  public  charges,  with  particular emphasis upon handicapped and hard to  place children.  Any such agreement shall become void at such time as it  is determined by the social services official  that  a  child  on  whose  behalf  payments  are  being  received  pursuant  to  such agreement was  brought into this state for the sole purpose of  qualifying  prospective  out-of-state adoptive parents for such payments.  Such determination may  be  appealed  to the department which, upon receipt of the appeal, shall  conduct a fair hearing in accordance with the provisions of section four  hundred fifty-five of this title.