461 - Responsibility for standards.

§    461.    Responsibility for standards.   1.   The department shall  promulgate  and  may  alter  or  amend  regulations   effectuating   the  provisions  of  this  title,  including  but not limited to establishing  fiscal, administrative, architectural, safety, nutritional  and  program  standards  which  apply  to  all  adult  care  facilities subject to its  inspection and  supervision.    Such  regulations  may  be  promulgated,  altered  or  amended  only  after  consultation with the board of social  welfare, department of mental hygiene, health department and office  for  the aging.    2.  In addition to those standards established pursuant to regulations  under  subdivision  one  hereof,  the  department  of mental hygiene may  propose any supplementary standards relating to the  necessity  for  and  content  of  programs  designed  to protect the health and well-being of  mentally disabled persons, as defined in the mental hygiene  law,  which  shall apply to any facility which cares for a significant number of such  persons.  The promulgation by the department of any regulations adopting  such  supplementary  standards  shall  be subject to the approval of the  department of mental hygiene.    3. Nothing contained within this title shall prohibit an  operator  of  any adult care facility from exceeding the requirements of this title or  the  regulations  of  the  department which effectuate the provisions of  this title.