8-509 - Specification of Duties of Securities Intermediary by Other Statute or Regulation; Manner of Performance of Duties of Securities Intermediary and Exer

Section 8--509. Specification  of  Duties  of Securities Intermediary by                    Other Statute or Regulation; Manner of Performance  of                    Duties  of  Securities  Intermediary  and  Exercise of                    Rights of Entitlement Holder.    (a) If the substance of a duty imposed upon a securities  intermediary  by  Sections  8--504  through  8--508  is  the subject of other statute,  regulation, or rule, compliance with that statute, regulation,  or  rule  satisfies the duty.    (b) To  the  extent that specific standards for the performance of the  duties of a securities intermediary or the exercise of the rights of  an  entitlement  holder  are  not specified by other statute, regulation, or  rule or by agreement between the securities intermediary and entitlement  holder, the securities intermediary shall perform  its  duties  and  the  entitlement   holder   shall  exercise  its  rights  in  a  commercially  reasonable manner.    (c) The obligation of a securities intermediary to perform the  duties  imposed by Sections 8--504 through 8--508 is subject to:         (1) rights  of  the  securities  intermediary  arising  out  of a             security  interest  under  a  security  agreement  with   the             entitlement holder or otherwise; and         (2) rights  of  the  securities  intermediary  under  other  law,             regulation, rule, or agreement to withhold performance of its             duties  as  a  result  of  unfulfilled  obligations  of   the             entitlement holder to the securities intermediary.    (d) Sections  8--504  through  8--508  do  not  require  a  securities  intermediary to take any action that is  prohibited  by  other  statute,  regulation, or rule.