1203-G - Establishment of the handicapped parking education program.

§  1203-g. Establishment of the handicapped parking education program.  1. Every county and the city of New  York  shall  establish  a  separate  handicapped  parking  education program. Each program shall be organized  by a coordinator for handicapped parking  education  and  advocacy,  who  shall  be  designated  by  the chief executive officer of the county, if  there be one, otherwise by the chair  of  the  governing  board  of  the  county,  and  in  the city of New York, a person designated by the mayor  thereof.    2. The handicapped parking education program shall be established  for  the purposes of providing education, advocacy and increased awareness of  handicapped   parking  laws.  The  program  shall  provide  funding  for  activities such as public service announcements,  public  education  and  awareness   campaigns,   distribution   of  literature,  and  any  other  activities that are consistent with such purposes.    3. It shall be the duty of the coordinator to: (a) render annually  or  at  the request of the county legislature or other governing body of the  county, a verified account of all moneys received and  expended  by  the  coordinator or under the coordinator's direction and an account of other  pertinent  matters;  and (b) make a biennial report to the commissioner,  which shall be due on the first day of April every second year following  implementation of the program and shall include  an  assessment  of  the  effectiveness   of   the  program,  recommendations  for  expanding  and  improving the program and any problems or other matters related  to  the  administration  of the program. Such report shall also be made available  to the temporary  president  of  the  senate  and  the  speaker  of  the  assembly.    4.  Every  county  and  the  city  of  New  York  that  establishes  a  handicapped  parking  education  program  shall  establish  a   separate  handicapped  parking  education  fund in the custody of the chief fiscal  officer of each such county or city, by April first, two thousand, which  shall consist of moneys granted to  such  county  or  city  pursuant  to  section  eighteen  hundred  nine-b  of this chapter. No provision of law  shall be deemed to preclude a county  or  the  city  of  New  York  from  receiving  funds  from  other sources to be deposited in the handicapped  parking education fund, provided such funds are used in a manner and for  purposes consistent with this section. The moneys of such fund shall  be  disbursed  to  provide  education,  advocacy  and increased awareness of  handicapped parking laws and may  be  used  to  execute  contracts  with  private organizations for such purposes. Such contracts shall be awarded  upon competitive bids after the issuance of requests for proposal.